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A proposal for a Senate


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They watch these boards and can identify the ones who'd be most suited, i guess. I also think it's best if a neutral party decides on who gets in. Otherwise, you're bound to have arguments. And they could post private messages, yeah, but the Council / Senate memberlist would be up for all to see. Maybe everyone could have a seat in the Senate, but only a few would have official positions like Chancellors.

Clans that would be here could be represented by a 'Senator' in the Senate. So you'd have Senators representing groups of gamers.

I like the idea more by the minute, by the way..

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Guest Tie Guy

How bout everyone can be in the senate, but only the ten or so people with the most "experience" (posts) get a seat on the council?


After all, everyone should have a say in the senate, that's what it's all about. However, some people could have special seats if they are elected or something. I'd vote for you as Supreme Chancellor Leo.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

I'm not sure if i'd want to, but thanks...:D


The # of posts would give the people that logged into the boards early on the ost advantage. that would be a bit unfair. That's why i'm thinking of the mods selecting those people.


That's the point, the new people that come here aren't as "experienced" as the ones that were here first, and they don't deserve a spot on the council. It is only for the oldest and wisest jedi. Once someone establishes a position in the boards, he has a chance to be on the council. Of course, everyone could go to the senate meetings.

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Ah yes, but I only joined today. Yet I am wise in the way of the force and have read every published novel on Star Wars.(besides Rebirth which hasn't found it's way to my bookstore yet) I had heard about this site only yesterday so I came here this afternoon and have been estatic about it ever since.

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Guest Tie Guy

WEll, your on your way to becoming an upstanding member of the forum. Keep posting good posts, and stay here for a while, and you could be on th council, but no one should be on the council the day they joined, it's not like that with the jedi. One should earn a position like this, not just get stuck in on the first day.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Yes, train you must padawan fergie :p


TIE who is in the Council anyways? Perhaps we should start a thread or a poll for nominations. While we are waiting for GB maybe we could organize game of AoK, that would be quite fun!

Yeah great idea! I nominate Rommel :D ......and we all know Leon will be in the Senate! ;)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Good Idea. Paragon_Leon wants us to wait a little while though I don't see exactly why.


He just wants to be there too supervise voting I'm sure. My opinion is that the Council, and Senate are formed as soon is posssible, so we know how it all this works when the game is released :c3po:

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Guest Tie Guy

No, we're still in the "Alpha" stage with this project. Plus, you guys have to talk to Leon, this is his brainchild, not mine. I think we need some approval from the mods, and my get them to set up a senate forum, and maybe a passworded council forum. If they don that for us, and we get orgnized, we can start with teh meeting, and the nominations and junk.

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Besides us all knowing Leon is gonna be in it. We all know TIE Guy HAS to be there! His posts alone should get him in! He does have good ideas.....when he posts them.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by darthfergie



Is that a typo or a pun :D


Anyways, i post here alot coz i got nothin to do during the summer, even though i did play golf today.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Gee guys, I leave for one day and there a big, three pages topic that's in the wrong forum!




Anyway, it's a pretty good idea... I have some suggestions, which many of these have already been discussed, I just want to be sure that Paragorn_Leon approves them (it's his idea after all).


- The members must be chosen by a mod.

- Any forummer may suggest an addition to the council, but he must not suggest himself.

- That one is very important: the selection of members will NOT be based on post count. Not at all. There has been spamming problems here, so the spammers have an undeniable advantage over those who only post intelligent things, but not as often. It should be based on the number or quality of the intelligent discussion topics that the forummer posted.

- Any member who do not follow the board's rules (which I will put online in the near future for everyone to see) will not be elligible(sp?) for the Senate.

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