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A proposal for a Senate


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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

I'm waiting on the 200 members-mark, and by that time all procedures on voting / structure will be set. I'm gunning for a separate forum on this..

Definitely make a new forum for it. You really think that early (2oo mark)? You'd want to set up the forum as soon as you can so people can talk about who to vote for and all that stuff

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I'm going to run away in terror:eek:

People being attacked in the dark recesses of the forum by the evil black letters.:D

But seriously like I said ealier we can wait a while BUT NOT UNITL THE GAME COMES OUT. We want to have a stong unified senate by then one that works well together and knows what they are doing. By the time GB comes out our Senate SHOULD be ready not just being established. If it goes that way we would lose a little interest because people start coming with questions about the game and we don't have a clue. So I say we start maybe sometime this month. DarthFergie has spoken...

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Dark stuff indeed, fergie...


now people, we want as many folks as possible to read about the Senate-thing so they'll vote... could we keep this thread clean now please ?

(that means not replying if you simply want to say 'yes' or something slightly more elaborate) Thank you..

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Well like I said, I think starting the forum as soon as possible and then vote the day or day before the game comes out. That way

1. People get used to the forum and get to know the people who are running.

2. Voting, say, the day before it comes out gets people more exicted about the release. And gets them more involved.

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I dont know why I didn't see this thread (even though it has very populor)


But in reply to this post:

Originally posted by edwardc87

why don't we have Paragon_Leon as the Supreme Chancellor. he was the one who though of it!


I'm sorry that cannot happen. Since I AM EVIL! :evil1: that should make me the automatic ruler of the senate. And then right after I'll destroy it and become the one and only ruler of the forums!






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Originally posted by TheJackal

I dont know why I didn't see this thread (even though it has very populor)


But in reply to this post:



I'm sorry that cannot happen. Since I AM EVIL! (:evil1:) that should make me the automatic ruler of the senate. And then right after I'll destroy it and become the one and only ruler of the forums!





:evil5:humor... don't you love it..

Eh? I don't believe that I've had the "pleasure" of talking to you Jackal. Hiya!

Anyway, I think the Chan. should be voted on just like in the movies by the Senators.

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Leon.....he scares me....

Anyway, Leon you think that the Chan. should be a mod? Why? I think maybe he could only have power in the "senate chamber"?

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Guest Tie Guy

I wonder if the forum should be passworded. That way, only sentators could post, but everyone could read it. And, the chancellor should be whoever is voted the Chancellor, although i wouldn't doubt it if that was Leon.


Oh, and Leon, i always loved you :D (even when your wrong)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

I wonder if the forum should be passworded. That way, only sentators could post, but everyone could read it. And, the chancellor should be whoever is voted the Chancellor, although i wouldn't doubt it if that was Leon.


Oh, and Leon, i always loved you :D (even when your wrong)

I don't know, leon has a lot on his hands as it is. I think a person with not so much responsiblity already should be Chan.

Kissing up again tie? ;)

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by TheJackal

And NOTE: I am a "Super Moderator" also know as an Admiral around these forums. So behave. But if anybody reports what I said. OFF WITH YOUR HEADS! :D


AH! Then I guess that I'm a Super-Moderator too! Don't worry guys, I'll hold him off while Paragorn_Leon takes control of the Senate. Go!! :D


Now if I can be serious for a minute... (eheh)


I approve Tie Guy's idea. Regular forummers must not be able to post in the Senate Forum, but they can still view the topics. Great idea!


Now, what's the next step? Here we are, talking about how great this idea would be, but we're not advancing. Surely there's something we can do while waiting for the 200 member mark that Leon loves so much :D


EDIT: Fear the typos...

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So, i'm all confused....what is the official rules of the Senate? Could one of you mods post whats officially going on?

BTW Who gave jackal mod powers?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

I don't know, leon has a lot on his hands as it is. I think a person with not so much responsiblity already should be Chan.

Kissing up again tie? ;)


Nope, i'm just joking with him coz we normally disagree on stuff.


Leo said that he was going to have an official proposal by Saturday. All we can do until then is just discuss the small issues.


Alos, i think we should be talking about what it is actually that we are going to do. Any ideas?

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Guest Darth Vader
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Well, thank you! I in turn nominate Kvan and >my master, TIE guy< :D

When you joined the Empire you accepted me as your master, Rommel.
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Originally posted by Tie Guy


Nope, i'm just joking with him coz we normally disagree on stuff.


Leo said that he was going to have an official proposal by Saturday. All we can do until then is just discuss the small issues.


Alos, i think we should be talking about what it is actually that we are going to do. Any ideas?

No, we don't disagree :D

Do you think we *ahem* they will discuss when to host Tournaments?

Why would Rommel serve some one who is Bantha fodder?:D

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Kvan

BTW Who gave jackal mod powers?


He's been in the staff longer than me, but AFAIK, he designed the forum graphics for this site.


Correct me if I'm wrong, Jackal.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar


He's been in the staff longer than me, but AFAIK, he designed the forum graphics for this site.


Correct me if I'm wrong, Jackal.

Whats AFAIK?

Please don't bring him here.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Scary guy (;) ) and Vader, I serve TIE guy and TIE guy alone, understand? ;)

Gee rommel, how many people have you "served". i guess you get around :D

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