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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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"Kira... What more can I do to convince you?" he asked. She didn's say anything. "Kira... I love you. I'll always love you. I..."

He trailed off, not sure what to say.


((I can go for a few more posts, if you don't give me dead ends to work with, Kira. :p))

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"Then what can I do to prove it to you? What can I say to convince you that she means nothing to me compared to you?! How can I make you believe me? I need you to beleive me, Kira. That's why I... That's why I asked you to marry me. To prove to you that it's over between me and Bastila."

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"Well... just.... forget about it. I'm sorry I brought it up. If it's going to cause this much trouble, then..."

He blinked with realisation. He understood. Now that he finally knew why she was really upset, he almost laughed. It wasn't because he had asked her to marry him. It was the way he had asked. Why he had asked.

"You think I only asked to prove to you that I don't love Bastila anymore. Not because I love you"

She didn't respond.

He pulled away slightly so he could loook at her. "You don't know how wrong you are, Kira," he whispered. "I love you. I do. I want to be with you."

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