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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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"Damn," Karda swore under his breath, clinging to the console as the second blast hit the Dreadless. "Tylor, do what you can," he said into the comm. "And launch our fighters. Crystal and I are on our way to the hanger bay."


He released the comm button and turned to where Crystal had been. "Crystal?" But Crystal was already gone. Karda shook his head with disbelief. "Strange girl... Doctor? You and Rose better stay here. The briefing room is one of the safest places on board. I'm going to the hanger bay. See if I can't lead some of our pilots out there and give those pirates a run for their money."


And Karda headed for the door.

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((This post brought to you by JasraLantill, stolen by yours truly. :D))


"What about you Kira?" he asked, moving up beside her. "Are you..."

He trailed off, his head tilted slighty. "Do you hear that?"

Disciple made to respond, but Revan cut him off. He Definately heard something. The sound of a hundred tiny feet scratching the surface of metal... the grating of metal on stone, more irritating than fingernails on slate...

A door at the end of the chamber began to rise, and the sound of cheering echoed through the speakers in each of the four corners of the room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" said the voice a ringside announcer. "Now for the main event! Revan! Prodigal Knight! Guar-dian of the Republic! And Former Dark Lord of the Sith... versus the most horrid horde in the Galaxy! Place your bets, and....let the fight begin!"

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A swarm of swollen yelt rats swared from all sides, screeching and yelping as they climbed over each other to get to the three of them. Revan used the Force to push them away, but they kept coming. He used a quick jolt of Force lightning to thin their numbers, but there were too many of them.

"We could use some creative ideas, people!"

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Kira closed her eyes, searching out the weaker minds of the horde.

Peace...peace... she soothed, using the Beast Control technique that Kreia had taught her. A few of the rats turned and jumped over and onto their companions, slowing the onslaught, but not by much.

"Bah, that power's useless anyway." she murmured, unsheathing the blades of her lightsaber.

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Revan released another volley of lightning, torching another few dozen yelts. He lashed out with his lightsaber, hoping the light would scare them off - it didn't work.

"Got any ideas, Kira?" he asked.

"Uhm..." She zapped a few of them herself, backing away more, now back ot back with Revan and Disciple. "Lightning?"



"Kira, there are thousands of them!"

"What about Force Storm?" asked Disciple.

Revan looked at Kira, who shrugged. "Works for me," she said.

"Alright. One the count of three?"

"One.... Two.... Three!"

They both threw their hand into the air, electric energy cascading up their arms and out their fingertips. The chamber erupted with the screams of the small rodents as the flesh was burned from their bones.

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Brax looked out the window, glancing back at Jasra then over to Atton. “Computer, give Atton the cooridanates for my private hangar in the Zedai enclave, Atton if you could take us down there I would appreciate it.” He nodded lightly, and turned back toward Jasra and Atton. “And don't worry the full ship can dock there, it's the only palce the whole thing can land.”


Atton had snooped around some and realized that ther was infact no landing gear, but Brax's word's put him at ease. Brax reached over and tapped the wall, an extra chair slid out of it, and he motioned for Jasra to sit down. “That's the gunnery station, so be...”


“Careful, I know what ever button does Brax.” She stuck her tongue out at him, and he chuckled, half tempted to reach over and grab it.


“Sorry, still not fully used ot you having all my memories love,” he turned back toward his console, a light was beeping. “Ah the Zedai have contacted us.”


“Ssss, please transmit identifying codes,” came through the speaker, and after a few moments and Brax typing something, “Good, welcome home Abraxius, we were worried you were dead, but it is good to have you home. Your dock is waiting for you, and we're already gathering the people for a Vssax Ceremony.”


“Very good Perous, we shall be down soon.”


“We, sir?” The other Omwat sounded interested but warry.


“Yes, I have a new mate, and a friend comes a long as well, I will tell you more when we get down.”

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Crystal grinned. "I'd stop, but your expression is so entertaining."


She turned and fell into step with him, heading for the ships. After a few steps, she sighed. "These abilities are making me lazy and impatient," she confessed to Karda. Then, she took his hand. In less than a second, they were standing near the ships.


"Much better," she said happily. To her ship, she announced, "Open, please." To Karda, she explained, "If I'm not polite, it might decide not to let me in immediately."


Karda raised an eyebrow at her comment and stared very strangely at her ship when it spoke to her.


"Well, nice to see you again, Crystal," it said in a cheerful male voice. "Who's your friend?"


"Ah, sorry," Crystal giggled, "I'll introduce you later. We've got a fight to join."


"Ooh!" the ship exclaimed. "A fight? Why didn't you say so earlier? In you come!"


"Yes, he's a little exciteable," Crystal chuckled, glancing to Karda. "See you in space."


The ramp closed and the ship lifted off. "Can't you wait 'till I'm in the cockpit?" Crystal complained.


"Nope!" the ship answered. "Shields powered, weapons armed, and the Dreadless knows were coming out. So out we go!"

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As if on cue, the walls began to rise, revealing a much larger are than the one they were currently occupying. The stench or freshly killed animal began to dissipate - only to be replaced by the stench of old decaying dead animal. A deep, throaty roar filled the room, making the ground shake.

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Revan spun around as well, and his heart stopped.

A fully grown drexl beast, easily half the size of the Ebon Hawk, unfurled it's leathery wings, screaching at the three humans that had entered its lair.

Revan cursed loudly, raising his lightsaber to a defensive position as he freed himself from Kira's grasp. "Any more ideas, Disciple?" he asked.

"Uh... Force Storm?" he suggested meekly.

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"I'll get its neck." Kira announced, watching the movements of the monster as it neared, following its patterns.

"Are you insane??" Mical cried, "That's far too--"

"Dangerous?" the Exile finished with a cocky smile, a fire flashing in her eyes, "Trust me on this. I can take care of it. You go for the eyes."

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Revan dodged away from the group, swinging his lightsaber in wide archs, trying to get the drexl's attention. "Hey lizard face, over here!" he yelled, moving away from Kira and Disciple as fast as he could. "How could the universe let something so ugly exist?"

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The Drexl roared, stomping towards the flashing lights of Revan's saber and his voice.

"See the spikes on the arms?" Kira said to Mical.

"Great minds think alike." he repeated, and started off.

A yell rumbling from his lips, the Jedi leaped onto the arm of the monster, grabbing on the long spike that protruded from the elbow, and swung himself up.

"Take this!" he bellowed, his saber slashing length-wise across the monster's eyes.

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Revan dodged the beast's talons as it lashed out at him. He swung his lightsaber in retaliation, but he barely clipped the end of it's claws - only aggravating it further. He rolled to ths side as it lunged at him, screeching bloody hell it's teeth dug into the ground. He rose his lightsaber to bring it down on it's throat-

The air was knocked out of his lungs as the beast's tail cracked him in the chest. He was thrown across the chamber, crashing into the far wall, his lightsaber rolling out of reach of his unconscious hand.

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