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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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Revan blocked a volley of blater bolts, deflecting them into the landing pad. He threw out a hand towards the shooter, and he was thrown back into the wall behind him. He blocked a grenade from landing on top of the Ebon Hawk, using the Force to throw it back towards the thrower. He missed the second one, however, and the Hawk shuddered under the assault.


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"His ship?" Disciple murmured, ignitiing his saber as well.

"Hm." Kira crouched, as if she were about to spring on something. "Let's go."

Pushing off from the ground, she used the Force to propel her through the air, bringing her down saber-first on top of a rifleman. Using the hilt of her saber like a baseball bat, she knocked a grenade right back into the mouth of the thrower. In a moment, she found herself almost back-to-back with Revan.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" she said, raising her voice a bit over the noise of battle.

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Kira couldn't help but smile at that. "Just a bit."

She stabbed her saber through the chest of a charging attacker, whipping it around to sever his head as a final strike.

"Though they have at least some sense. We're surrounded."


- - - -


"Kira!" Mical shouted, but the noise of a nearby grenade drowned out his voice. "Revan!"

Couldn't they see they were being surrounded?? A battle cry slipped from his lips as he fought to hack his way through a wing of the men...but he couldn't get by. Every time one attacker fell, another would take his place! He would never reach them in time...Even as the thought crossed his mind, it was verified by the slit arm of Kira's robes, the cloth turning dark around the area. He had to do something...

The Valeyard!

Force-pushing the men away from him, he ran full-speed back to the ship.

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The Valeyard looked up as Disciple came bursting into the TARDIS.

"Doct- I mean, Valeyard, Kira and Revan need you. They're being surrounded by-"

The TARDIS door burst open again, and three of the thugs from outside entered - only to be atomised the next second.


"No time to explain," spat the Valeyard, pulling levers on the TARDIS console. "The Ebon Hawk has been taken by the slime of Nar Shaddaa, and Kira and Revan are in danger."

The doors to the TARDIS sealed shut, and the engines began to grind as the TARDIS took off, abandoning the Hawk to the bounty hunter scum of the Smuggler's Moon.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Revan watched as the circle of thugs closed in around them. Disciple was gone, and the Hawk had been boarded. His head was pounding, but he blocked it out.

No. It wasn't his head. His vision blurred, and the circle of thugs surrounding them faded out of existence, replaced by the anxious looking Disciple and a grim Valeyad.


"I've just saved your lives, Jedi," he said. "But the Ebon Hawk, I'm afraid, now belongs to the scum who attacked you."

"Not if I can can help it," said Revan, heading for the doors. They wouldn't open.

"There's no point, Revan," said the Valeyard, pulling levers on the TARDIS console once more. "The Ebon Hawk is lost. Accept it and move on."

The TARDIS began to make it's signature grinding sound as it picked up steam, carrying to Force knows where the Valeyard had told it to. The engines stopped, and the doors unsealed. Revan kicked them open, lightsaber in hand.

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As the TARDIS jolted to life, Kira shook her head. They weren't going to loose the Hawk. The ship had been through way too much for her -- Revan as well -- to just abandon it. Unused to the movements of the strange machine, the Exile was knocked against the wall as the TARDIS groaned and began its strange way of moving. Only then did she realize the wound on her arm as pain seared through it. Gritting her teeth, she stood again as Revan kicked the doors open.

"Where are we?" she asked.

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"Vogga the Hutt's audience chamber," anwered the Valeyard.

"Kira... you'd better come take a look at this..." said Revan slowly.

She stepped up beside him and gagged. The stench of decaying flesh flooded over them. Vogga the Hutt sat in his usual place, his tongue lolling out, and his eyes staring at the floor. He was quite clearly dead.

"Well this was a productive and profitable trip," said Revan sarcastically, folding his arms across his chest.

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"Most likely," agreed Revan. "But it doesn't matter. This leads dead."

He looked around the room darkly. Something wasn't quite right... He moved to the stinking heap of Hutt meat at the front of the room and examined the corpse. "Cause of death looks like... Asphyxiation), maybe?"

"Very good, Revan," said the Valeyard, smiling slightly. "He most likely choked on some food or something - you know how Hutts can be."

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"I had no idea," he responded, shrugging. "Simply because I am a Time Lord does not mean I am aware of the exact time and cause of death of every individual in the universe, my dear Jedi."

An alarm went off in the TARDIS, and he straightened suddenly. "I must depart momentarily," he said. "I shall return shortly."

With that, he turned back into the TARDIS, and it dematerilaised.

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Tylor walked onto the bridge to send the Dreadless to hyperspace. As he walked behind the Captain post a crewmenber who was operating the radar consel informed Tylor of an incoming pirate ship.


"What class ship is it?" Tylor requested "Oh and Johnson! Send them a message telling them the vessel they are planning to salavege is under Republic protection and the place has been wired to blow or something."


"The ship is a Corvette sir." Reported the crewmenber posted at the radar consel.


"Sir I don't think they're obbeying our order to leave." Reported the Comms Officer.


"Why's that Johnson?" Tylor asked as he sat in the captains chair, feeling rather comfertable, his hands fiddeling over the controlls on his armrest.


"Because they've fired missiles and openning fire!" The Comms officer said as Tylor looked through the glass at the pirate Corvette and saw the light from the missile's Jet engines as they zoomed closer to the ship "Do the same! Our weapons should be alot more powerfull... should... Just incase I should be doing some manuvering techniques." Tylor jumped off the chair, jumped over railings, landing with a fund, and rushed over to his pilot seat.



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((OOC: Sorry for taking over Karda and Crystal, but just trying to move the thread along…. ))


Karda sat in the briefing room with Crystal and the Doctor and Rose, going over any information they could find on Myrkr. The trip was going smoothly, so far, yet Karda felt worried.


“Crystal,” he said, “have you found any additional information on Myrkr in the Republic database? Besides what we know already,” he added. “I just have… a feeling that something’s not quite right.”


“You and your Jedi feelings,” Crystal muttered. “No, there really isn’t anything except the failed Republic attempt to remove a Ysalamir from its habitat, alive. And there’s only one city. Well, more like a shipping port, really. Not very big, not very exciting, and certainly not very newsworthy.”


Karda frowned. “I can see the advantage of basing yourself there if you were trying to avoid Jedi, but…


Suddenly, the ship jolted violently and everyone was jostled to the floor. Alarms began to ring out. Karda staggered to his feet and hit the comm button. “Tylor?! What’s going on?!”

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"Yeah, right," he said dismissively. "He's a-"

"Stay where you are!"

A group of armed thugs rounded the corner, followed by a fairly small Hutt with a somewhat green skin tone. "[What is the meaning of this?! What are you Jedi doing to the body of my cousin?!]"

"We're not doing anything to it," said Revan, standing and crossing his arms ove rhis chest defiantly. "Who are you?"

"[i am Sorba the Hutt, cousin of Vogga! And who might you be?]"

"I might be any number of things," said Revan. "It just so happens that I'm Revan, Prodigal Knight, Guardian of the Republic and former Dark Lord of the Sith. Any questions?"

"[Any more titles you'd like to throw on top of that?]"

"Nah, I'm good for now."

"[Are you sure? I could add something to it, if you like - I had a brother on Taris who was quite good at it, as a matter of fact.]"

"I met him," said Revan. "Didn't like that guy so much. He cheated me out of a great deal of well earned credits."

"[That's what he did best.]"

"Well, from what I remember, "The Mysterious Stranger" lacked a certain-"

"[Ah, so you were one of my brother's duelists, were you?]" asked Sorba, laughing darkly in a way that only a Hutt can. "[Perhaps you'd like to relive the days you spent in the dueling ring?]"

"Not particularly."

Sorba smiled. "[Oh, it'll be a blast! I'm sure you'll learn to love it again!]"

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"Pirates!" Tylors replied through the comm "They had plans to scalvenge Bastila's ship and they didn't like us tell them to piss off! They're firing numberous missiles at us and they're opening fire." There was another viloent jolt.

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Kira took a step forward, and noticed the peculiar, hollow sound her footfall made against the floor.

"Revan--" she started to warn, but it was too late. The Hutt pressed a button on a remote in his hands, and the trap door gave way beneath them, dropping Kira, Revan, and Disciple into a pit below.

"Nice one, show off." Kira grumbled as she sat up, trying to distangle her limbs from her robes.

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