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Cat fear stimulus

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Fondas

Zoom our cat is the exception to the rule


Lil'one(that's her name) LOVES water !!!???


You must see it with your own eye in order to believe this !

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Someone said you dont have to pick up a cats sh*T, thats WRONG WRONG WRONG!


My sis's roomate has three of them, one siamese, a big fat calico, and something else. She has a black rabbit anda tarantula.


I HATE going over there because they never clean out the kitty litter. The apt wreaks. And oh those cats just LOVE me, too bad they stink up the place. One time I had roomates who also had cats. One of them got in my room and decided to sharpen their claws on my clothes. They ruined four pairs of my jeans. They never cleaned out the kitty litter either, but they also had three dogs in a pin right outside my window that loved to bark all night long. One of them was a slightly oversized pit bull that would beat up on the other two every night.


The only cat that I liked, and I am saddened that I was so mean to him as a child, was CT, or Crooked Tail. Well, I was mean to him because one day he decapitated one of my mice. One of my favorite things to do was pick him up by his tall and toss him in the kiddie pool when he wasn't supposed to be in the house. But he never ran off. He was a good cat that loved to play with our Duchthound. When my parents moved to the desert it was just too wierd for him and he ran off never to return.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Cat ethics parable:


I was watching a PBS special last night about cats. It talked largely about the behavior of cats in the wild, and compared it to that of domestic housecats. More so than dogs, cats have retained more of their original instincts. Example--turn a dog loose in the wild, and it will starve...but a cat will hunt and survive.


The show brought up a behavior that I'd heard of with the bigger cats: the killing of cubs by larger males. Left unattended, a pack of cubs will be killed by a male, and the going theory is that it induces the female to ovulate sooner to replace the cubs...which gives the male his chance to reproduce. Grim stuff.


Shockingly, they showed the same behavior in a group of barn cats they were studying for the show. eek.gif While growing up in a highly social, less tame setting than the kitties we have in our homes, these barn cats are genetically the same species. Unnerved and dismayed at the behaviors my own cats could themselves display under the wrong circumstances, I went to bed saddened. :sad:


This morning, I awoke to find a strange kitten in my house. biggrin.gif He'd come in the window, and was helping himself to the catfood. When he saw me, he took off like the still wild animal he is. I later saw him outside in the company of Hitler, a large tom cat that prowls the neighborhood and stops by my porch every day for a free bowl of food. I've seen the two of them outside quite a bit, and Hitler has clearly taken the kitten under his wing... smile.gif


So what the hell does PBS know, anyway?

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That's what Bart did in the neighborhood he is in now. He took on a protege. From what I understand the two are inseperable.


He always played with the kittens in the area, and there were always a bunch of them. But come to think of it, he was fixed at that point, so he had no real biological stake in killing kittens.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Hitler is a fully funtional male, in his reproductive prime. Furthermore, the two cats aren't related--everything about them looks different, like they're from different gene pools.


What should I name the kitten? 'Hitlerjugend?' biggrin.gif

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I'll tell ya something my cats aren't afraid of: snakes and rabbits. Every few weeks I'll find a decapitated snake head(in one instance, the anterrior end of a rattlesnake!). One morning, a cat woke me up clawing her way through the screen of my bedroom window(my room is on the second floor) and she emerged through the hole carrying an entire, if somewhat dead rabbit.


[This message has been edited by Taarkin (edited August 20, 2001).]

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My cat loved spaghetti (seriously; he could actually slurp it biggrin.gif ), ice cream, and cheese. And fish; he'd sit in front of the aquarium for hours, just staring at them with a dreamy expression on his face. . .


I love cats. They're actually just as loyal as dogs, they're just not sycophants. If you whistle at a dog, he'll come running, thinking that there's some incredibly unbelievably critically important reason that you want him around.


If you whistle at a cat, he'll glance at you, then calmly go back to reading Nietzsche. wink.gif


I could actually talk to my cat. We got him when he was a kitten and I was about five, so for al intents and purposes, we grew up together. Dynamite (like I said, I was five when I named him) was the best friend I've ever had. He was the only living thing who ever really saw what I'm like (even my best human friend didn't know me that well). For his part, I think he thought of me as a sort of honorary litter-mate --we were brothers. smile.gif


The first time he caught a mouse, he brought the Tribute to me. Not my parents, me! biggrin.gif


He'd actually let me see all the stuuuupid things cats do (that they usually try not to let non-cats see), like falling down stairs, chasing cat toys, and so forth.


He actually used a throw rug as a toboggan at one point: he stepped on it, then backed up a few paces, ran, dug his claws in, and went zipping across the hardwood floor with a goofy smile (yes, cats can smile) on his snout.


I'm one of the very few humans who can actually understand/speak a fair bit of cat and my cat could actually use a few english words ("milk," "mom," "Mark" [my real name], "no," "now").


BTW, did you know that cats have (at least) two distinct languages? There're the high-pitched kitten-like meows that they use when around humans, and there're the low-pitched, almost growling caterwauls that they use in public. <small>Perhaps hauntingly, it's the same way slaves in the South used to have two languages; the articulate speech they used with their keepers, and the dialectical "ghetto-speak" amongst themselves.</small>


If you really pay attention to animals, you'll find that they usually make much more sense than humans.


Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

I later saw him outside in the company of Hitler


Interestingly enough, some historical figures who were seriously phobic of cats: Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini (sp?), Stalin, Genghis Kahn (possibly).


It makes sense that the one thing that would truly terrify a conquerer is something that refuses to be conquered. cool.gif



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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Funny Cat story.


I was in my room putting together a 3d puzzle of R2 D2. Well my cat opens the closed door and lays down on the pieces untill I give her my full attention. Now in my room I have a window fan, and some birds landed outside my widow. Seeing potential prey Lucky (my cat) takes a nice leap at them, and smacks right into the fan. She then falls into a space between my bed and the wall. I watch he come around my bed with a stride basically and an air of saying "I meant to do that"


She also has the most annoying thing of waking me up at 4 in the morning, but she does it by staring at my face. Only after I open my eye does she nock things off my night stand, if I don't immediatly do what she wants me to do (which is usually feed her)


Final story. my cat loves chips. )When ever I'm eating them even if I'm in the basement and she is on the second floor she comes to me) While consuming said food Lucky uses her front paws to grap my hand and bring the chip to her where she eats while I still am holding on.


I love cats.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Oreo picks up pieces of cat food with one paw (beats me how she does it) and eats them like a human!


I used to have a cat named Nixon who was nuts for cheetos.

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

Oreo picks up pieces of cat food with one paw (beats me how she does it) and eats them like a human!


I've observed this before. I found it terrifying.


It ranks up there with those crows that learned that dry bread can be made more edible by soaking it in water and began using extremely crude tools.


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My one cat (also named Lucky, coincidentally), can open the door to a cat carrier (as long as its not latched) and close it after himself. He can also open cabinet doors, and has figured out that we use doorknobs to open doors, so whenever he wants out/in of a room, he reaches up and jiggles the doorknob around. He even sat in front of our TV watching Winnie the Pooh once as a kitten.

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My cat also opens doors, sits like humans, and when she is hungry she takes the container her food is in (never the dogs even though they are the exact same sealed containers) and places it in her dish. but not when it is higher then the dish but level with it.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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I came across a Chinese legend once that described how, when the gods created the world, the cats wanted to be in charge.


After a century or so, the cats decided that civilization was just too much work and turned the world over to the next most highly evolved species; humans.


Since then, they have generally been content to receive the veneration that is their due. smile.gif


In ancient Egypt, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this. . .



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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