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-> Visas Marr viewing throug the Force - always!

Guest Jolinar.vcf

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Guest Jolinar.vcf

Hello everyone!


As signified in the headline, I've got tired of Visas Marr normal view in TSL. I mean she is a Miraluka, so she shouldn't even be able to see the way the normal characters do, but through the force - always.

Now the request (I'm just getting my modding career started, so I don't know how to do this):

I wondered if it wouldn't be possible to adjust some setting entry or something else, so when you choose her in the game, Visas' new usual standard sight will become what is now only one of her powers: the force "Force Sight".

I would like having a Visas Marr permanently using her Force Sight, so Force Sight will be always active as e.g. the Exile's "War Veteran" feat.


Hoping you understand what I would like to have, I keep waiting for any responses. Thanks. Sincerely, Jolinar.vcf

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I think it already does. Atleast in the X-Box version of the game, Visas and Kreia have permanent Force Sight in first person view. I can't really confirm it for the PC version though, because for some reason Force Sight and other things that alter the screen just don't work on my PC. You probably have the same problem I do.

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I think he might mean for Visas' Force Sight to be applicated in first and third person p.o.v's, I'd have done it first thing this morning but I realised that I had(have) no clue of where to start on this mod. Maybe one of the more experienced modders can do this, or I can try and look this up tonight and find out what to do.

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Guest Jolinar.vcf

Thanks for your quick replies =). English isn't my mother tongue so it was a little difficult to put in words what I mean... But DarthSaboteur is right.

However, I will try to "make myself clear", as Kreia does to Atton on Dxun ;-)


I have the PC version of TSL and I've never played the X-Box version yet, but what I mean might be available on the X-Box: a permanent third-person-Force-Sight-view for the blind characters, primarily Visas. At the moment, Force Sight works for her as it works for me, I have to activate it and to pay some force points. Otherwise this force is not active and the screen displays as usual.

For my own character it is okay, because I want to play the game with a normal sight as well, but I wondered why even Visas had to activate this power, too. - She is a Miraluka, she doesn't see the way, the others do, but *throgh* the Force...


So my modding request was to create a modification or to adjust some setting entry (what might be possible?) so Visas Marr [and Kreia] would permanently "see through the force" instead of having to activate it each time new for only 20 seconds.


Ok... You know it might be difficult for some some non-English/American student to express himself so just ask if something is unclear still ;-)

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I think that could be done through the character's scripts....




I don't know if the game distinguishes depending on the active party member.


If it does, one of the character's scripts, such as userdefine or heartbeat could check and see if Visas or Kreia is the active party member. If so, it could activate the 'Force Sight' power. Then, since it is a heartbeat, it would keep activating.


This would drain your force points, so it would be even better to add a new power that is force sight and make it cost no force points.


Then we could activate that.


Of course, if there is no check for the active pc tag, then my post was useless. I think there is though, especially due to what Bill said.



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Guest Jolinar.vcf

And so am I thinking.

There might be some setting entry, or something similar, one might be able to change.... But I've just began learning how to mod files, so my skills are not enough improved yet.


I would really like to hearing from s.o. it's possible and he could do it for me ;-)

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Guest Jolinar.vcf

Hey KotOR modders,


isn't there anybody who could do this - or at least who knows if it would work if the settings were changed, or what would had to be done to make it work?


I would highly appreciate any further comment or acceptance on this modding request.

Thank you ;-)


I'm sorry no one is responding to your request Jolinar.vcf, but 'bumping' your thread like this isn't allowed here, please read our Forum Rules as well as the unique Rules for this Request forum. Thanks. -RH

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