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Crazy Mod Idea

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Okay, I was thinking about what makes this game so great, and I realized that one of the funnest parts of the game is to play around with what would have happened had the Empire not been run by idiots. So, I had the idea to take this concept one step farther:


What if the designer of the AT-AT hadn't been mentally impared?


The AT-TE was a beast. With its chin-mounted cannons, support turrets, and gigantic turret, it was a deciding factor in the clone wars. The engineer behind the AT-AT, however, made a walker that was bigger, uglier, and completely lacking any sort of remedy for its blindspots!!!


My idea is a new model/mod that will give the Empire one more ground unit: an upgraded AT-AT (name ideas: AT-AT II, All Terrain Armored Tactical Enforcer (AT-ATE), etc.) It will be taller, the legs will be more widely spaced (like the AT-TE legs, only much bigger), and the body will be less boxy. Along with its classic blaster/laser armament, it will have the massive turret of the AT-TE, flak-launchers to deal with Airspeeders, rocket tubes, and laser turrets on its sides to remove blind spots and augment firepower. It will also be able to spawn 3 stormtrooper squads at any given time, compared with the 2 of the AT-AT. Veers, of course, should have a maximum firepower version for himself.


Can anyone make this model and incorporate it into the game? Please?

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what the AT-AT rocks how can you say it was a bad idea? It takes hoth by itself with the lost of two walkers not bad for a big battle. Now as far as a AT-AT II well creative designs are always nice but me I would go the other way and create some missing link walker that bridges the AT-TE to the AT-AT.

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The ATAT isn't necessarily about combat efficiency. It's for intimidation. It represents the inherent arrogance of the Empire and its dismissal of the Alliance by not providing efficient countermeasures to rebel tactics.

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I am not saying that the AT-AT doesn't rock; it's scary, it's got massive firepower, and may God help those poor souls trapped under its feet. But it is flawed, people. Kallath, you said it: it represents the arrogance of the Empire. However, in my special scenario, that arrogance did not affect the design of the AT-AT; the original was a prototype, while my proposed AT-AT II is the full version.


You have to admit, it does sound cool. If someone could make the model, it would be even cooler.

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I would still like to see some sort of middle walker that bridges the AT-TE to the AT-AT. But an improved version of the AT-AT would be ok, but really what is missing? It has four guns two large anti vehicle/structure weapons and two smaller ones for anti-air. Really they fit the empires stragegy perfectly. A large group of overwhelming fire power.

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You know, I've been thinking, and ultimately, I agree with aggie_john. An intermediate step between the AT-TE and the AT-AT would serve to be much cooler (and balanceable) than a suped-up AT-AT. It's more feasible because a) people are actually making models for the AT-TE and b) because it actually makes sense in the context of the game.


My revised proposal is this: an AT-TE upgrade.


Some ideas: taller legs, more powerful frontal laser cannon, etc.

Because of the massive turret on the back and lack of major blindspots, it would serve a different combat role than the AT-AT, and would have few to none of its weaknesses. However, the AT-AT would still win in terms of raw firepower.


Its large gun could also be used to make the AT-TE II fufill a secondary roll as artillary.


Finally, it should have something in the way of rocket launchers, and because of its shorter legs, be immune to tow cables.

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I've been working on getting an AT-PT ingame. It works so far other than I'm having a really hard time understanding the animation system. I export my animation and the bones move the for some reason the model detaches from the bones and no animation happens. AKA, the ATPT slides around on the ground.


Here's the walking animation. For some reason the mesh detaches from the bone ingame.



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