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Embarresing Moments

Darth Jimbo

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let me see if I understand you right.


1.I remember an embrassing moment.


2.I then tell everyone it.


3.I get embrassed again for having done that.


4.tough luck I'm not doing it.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb


God Bless America

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when i was in kindergarten, i had to pee really bad while waiting for the stupid person to help me cross the street, and i was wearing jeans, and there was 2 girls waiting too, and i couldn't hold it any longer...


more to come, as i don't have time to write the rest down (or remember them).

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Getting stabbed by my own bodyguard in front of my right hand man was kind of embarrising for me, to tell you the truth.



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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I once made a thread called "Embarresing Moments" and as you can see I made a horrible spelling mistake on the word "Embarrassing" !

Now how embarrassing is that? There was also the time I made a thread about correct grammar and spelt it "grammer"... haha I feel so ridiculous!


Wait a minute!! that wasn't me... then who? rolleyes.gif



If you want embarrassing stories go get them <a href="http://www.mostembarrassingmoment.com/">here</a>


<font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited September 24, 2001).]

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Guest Borg Collective

Opening a two-way portal into fluidic space and attempting to assimilate Species 8472. Then having to run to Voyager for assistance.


<small>We will never live that down.</small>



Resistance is futile.

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It was a early sunny Saturday morning. I was up formating my hard drive. I was using my F0rmTRAGL 23500 AMPL with 870000 runround bandwith able to redesign all drivers is a 3 second period program that I got from a friend. When it was 27% complete with GMPm0 Gl92Z internally but teporary installed into the N:, I rearaged the F0rTR with the LDGR AxLE v3.0 PlAsm0 edition wh8le Gmpm0 already being re-driven to the extent that the bantwith ran C-C wise instead of the regular defalt setting in my Gl40mL drivers setting-all complimising all programs accosiated with the C: such as my Voodoo5 AGP and early drovers of my late Voodo02! With all programs in this ultra-semi chaotic state, I redited my LDGR Axle program to do 300mgz bandwith setting then the usual 4550 mgz. With the only choice I had I rerendered all JMPL.files and after 2 1/2 years, extracted my JR2000Z.exe program, opertated it to the 2GZH exten whith the the EOH 3000 v.1.2.00 redirecting it with the critical infested areas, reproducting each 3K application with 345mgz speed, utilizing all lgl.files untill the core problem solved. After that I quickly reorganized H: to the defaulted setting with the MLP34l0m0 installed. You be shocked to know that not only that the MLP3410m0 doesnt always re-organize all programs associated with the 300KB settngs but also use tremenduns speed wich used all that GMVSL stood for. (You see, we at EOH, productions, dont only is civilized about GMOSGDS programs, but unlike Mircosoft, we reunite the LGDS3r5 Platonium editoin with its brother, FLL334Gl0rY V.2.44.00.) So with all that said and done I rextraced all un-important files with reuniting all directories under the .txt, .exe, .sml, .als, and .amb catorgories. Then I opened up F0rmTR prgram and re-edited all code that had the 20k minimum and swiching 'true' to false'. Then I reopened the program and used the new code that I just did untill...



my computer FROZE.


That-was my most embarresing moment. Now I feel depressed. frown.gif



*Runs away crying.*



icon4.gifBut just watch me. I'll become the forum's official l33t hax0r once again! icon4.gif


[This message has been edited by JR2000Z (edited September 28, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt



now moving on...


My most embarrasing moment...


When I got a job at macdonadls (sp) frown.gif



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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This one happened on Thursday...


Terra (Yes, the one from that other thread), Pierre (A friend of mine and Terra's), and myself were wandering through the halls, when this amazingly hot blond chick, who looked to be about 17-18, walks up to Terra and talks to her for a few minutes, the leaves... So as we resumed walking, I said to Pierre, "Damn! She was hot, wasn't she?"...


Terra looked at me with this look of combined amusement and horror and said, "You sicko! THAT WAS MY MOM!!!!!" and proceded to join Pierre in laughing their asses off as I stopped dead in the middle of the hallway, my eyes and mouth opened wide in sheer humiliation.


What's worse was when I called her that night, and her mom answered... I asked for Terra, she asked who it was, so I told her...


The next thing I heard was:

"TERRA!!!! My boyfriend wants to talk to you!" and sounds of Terra's dad chuckling in the background.


Fortunatly, when I was over at her house last night, (until 1:30 AM I might add cool.gif ), I had a chance to explain myself, and it's now my little inside joke with her and her family...





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"


[This message has been edited by Nitro (edited September 29, 2001).]

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One time I pointed out a hot chick to a friend. Then the "hot chick" turned around. She was pregnant. Hot and pregnant DO NOT GO TOGETHER. It was amusing for my friend, because she got to make fun of me.


I have no embarassing moments, except for the time I got thrown out of Toys R Us. Tip: never go to a store with some friends if that store sells toy M-16s. And if they do, don't divide into "Terrorist" and "Counterterrorist" teams and begin a running gun battle with toy M-16s in that store.

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Well at least you didn't say something like:


"Damn, that was one Hot babe I'd like to **** and ******* until we ***** all ***** while she ******** *** *** ** and ***** including some ***** and ****** all that during ****'* *** to ***** to finally end up ***** in the trunk of my car in an airport hangar! Oh yeah I forgot, also get ******* to ****** so we can ****** during ****** so I can get home on time for breakfast"



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