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Bastila Romance issues.


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Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me. Now I've been following the Romance with Bastila for a bit. I have the Prima strat guide, and according to it you are supposed to get to certain convos with her before you get star maps. For example. After you get the first star map you can access convos 5-7. But if you don't get to 5 before star map 2 the romance subplot ends. Well Needless to say I have gotten to 7. The book also says after map #2 you can reach 8-10. Well The only things Bastila has had to say to me since Tat was to share the visions and to tell me about the planet i am on. On Tat she mostly talked about her mother. We did the quest for her mother but I convinced her to keep the holo. Just a FYI I am playing as a Dark Jedi this time around. But like I said I'm stuck on convo 7 which is where I ask her why she insisted I come with on the mission for the star maps.

Now things sound like they are going well right? Wrong. I am currently on Kashyyyk standing right in front of Star map #3 but I haven't gotten to convo 8 yet. Is the book correct then that if I don't get to it before I grab the map the romance is over?


Now I have tried grabing it going to the Ebon Hawk talking to her and still nothing new. Then I went to Manaan and still nothing new. So I quit for the day and tried to play other things to get me less annoyed with the game.


I currently have a post at http://forums.lucasarts.com/thread.jspa?messageID=2718240 where I got some info. But only one person has responded and he suggested I should check this forum out as well. Another thing he suggested was to get a KSE or KoToR Savegame editor. Which I have. But I'm a little stuck in the game still. I've messed with the different globas related to Bastila. The Dat_Romance is set at 7 so I changed it to 8. I then went into quests under bastila and well that is where it got a bit confusing. However after I change what its at it gives me errors. It will save it and change it to what I put it to. But the KSE starts to throw a hissy fit. Keeps giving me an error message until I close it down after saving the changes and reopening. However it doesn't seem to always do it. Or at least I couldn't repeat it this time even though it did it every time in the past 9 tries hehe.


Anyway if anyone can give me a hand let me know. Thanks.

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Well did you go back to the cantina and talk with her mother? Do that and the dialogue will move forward. Don't mess with the Star Map just yet. You have to finish that convo with Bastilla's mum.

Also have you talked to her every level up? If you finished all the possible dialogues, then you can get the map. The rest should activate.

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Yeah sorry I didn't put that in. Yes I talked to the mother. I convinced bastila to keep the holo and I talk to her whenever I can. But like I said its stuck at that current one where it won't say anymore. At least not what I need to hear.

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Interesting. I've never tried a DSM romance with Bastila. I expect it wouldn't work as IIRC Bastila's conversations after restoring good relations with her mother were all about how the PC is making the right choices in spite of Bastila's emotionally charged influence, about the PC always being there for Bastila. It doesn't seem logical to me that those conversations would occur if the PC is making dark side choices. Not that I know for sure but that's just how I would expect the game to work.

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Well where is here mom? She left the cantina after that. Also the strat guide constantly states how she will respond based on your alignment. If you are evil she tells you the dangers of the dark side. Also it says in one of the final convos you can convert her to the dark side with you. So unless they decided in one of the patches to make it so you can't do that, and got rid of a lot of the things you can do with her,(In other words edit a large part of the convos with her) I am at a loss.


Also like I believe I said in one of the ealier posts (if not then go to the link to other forums it has all that info on it) I have the KoToR Savegame Editor, from a link on the other forums and well its kinda confusing. I figured out a lot yes. But I'm still confused on a lot of it. The editors options aren't very explanitory. If only there was a way I could post my save game on here then I could have you guys look at it and see if you can figure it out. hehe.


BTW jedi you said to be nice to her mom. Which I can understand repair the relationship. However when I did it the way I did I got a dark side point. And I believe if you repair it you get a light side and since I am darkside and trying to convert her to the dark side later on. I would think you would have her end it poorly with her mother. I could be wrong of course. But then I am lost why the strat guide didn't mention that to continue the romance sub-plot you must repair the relationship with her mom.

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I think that in order to move the conversation forward, you need to repair the relationship between Bastilla and mummy. Bastilla is then more willing to open up.
Agreed. I believe Azorius has indicated that he persuaded Bastila to keep the holocron. Initially I didn't fully consider this statement as Bastila retains her father's holocron no matter how the final encounter with Helena turns out. Now that I've reviewed the dialog file for this conversation if the PC advises Bastila to keep the holocron and not return it to her mother then future opportunities for romance with Bastila will not occur. As JediMaster12 says the PC has to encourage Bastila to return the holocron to her mother and further encourage Bastila to reconcile with her mother.


So Azorius if Bastila didn't find out her mother was terminally ill and give her 500 credits to go to Coruscant for treatment then you didn't go down the dialog path that will allow the PC and Bastila to have future romantic encounters. Sorry but I've never messed with any global variables so I don't know what global variables you would need to set in order to allow your PC to have romance opportunities with Bastila if you didn't select the right dialog options during Bastila and Helena's final conversation on Tatooine.



BTW jedi you said to be nice to her mom. Which I can understand repair the relationship. However when I did it the way I did I got a dark side point. And I believe if you repair it you get a light side and since I am darkside and trying to convert her to the dark side later on. I would think you would have her end it poorly with her mother. I could be wrong of course. But then I am lost why the strat guide didn't mention that to continue the romance sub-plot you must repair the relationship with her mom.
Yes, one would expect a darksider to always choose self over others and a lightsider to encourage people to get along. It's just that the way the devs set this up in the game you don't get the Bastila romance opportunity if the male PC doesn't help her reconcile with her mother. As far as strategy guides for RPG's go I would keep in mind that there are myriad ways to do things in an RPG and the strategy guides don't list all of them. IIRC the Prima strategy guide for TSL gave no indication that you could potentially train 4 members of your party as Jedi. IMHO strategy guides can't cover all the options in an RPG because they just don't have enough time to do so by their publishing deadline.


The nice thing about KOTOR is that your dialogue doesn't influence your alignment :)
Umm, kind of? IIRC there are indeed few opportunities for LS/DS alignment shifts when having conversations with members of your party. I haven't played KotOR in a while but I remember you can have a wrap-up conversation with Mission after saving her brother Griff where you can get either LS or DS points, depending on what dialog choices you go with. I think there is another situation you can get into with Juhani's confrontation with Xor where you can gain LS or DS points, depending on what you encourage Juhani to do with Xor.
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You dont need to do the mother side quest to get the romance (same with Carth about Dustil), you just have to pick the right converstions response and you get the romance. You can always replay the game, take responses like "We both know why you have been watching me". And i have got the romance with both dark and light side.

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Zat, I did pick the right responses with Bastila to get the romance. Or at least I believe I did. I never fully insulted her. I always teased her. Friendly like. Because I knew my char liked her. And evil or not you aren't going to be mean to someone if you want to win them over.


Cutmeister, Thank you. I will try to find the globals for that so I can fix that and hopefully it works. I dont' care if I get some lightside points and lose my darkside bonus for now. its simple enough to get back.

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What darkside bonus? There is no bonus in Kotor1, just that dark ide powers cost a little less.
:eyeraise: Uhh, how can I nicely state that there is indeed a bonus given for achieving light side or dark side mastery in KotOR? The bonus depends on your character class.


Light Side Mastery

Consular : +3 Charisma

Guardian : +3 Strength

Sentinel : +3 Constitution


Dark Side Mastery

Consular : +50 Force Points

Guardian : +1d8 damage

Sentinel : Immunity - Poison






The forum search function is such a wonderful thing, know what I mean? :D

You dont need to do the mother side quest to get the romance (same with Carth about Dustil), you just have to pick the right converstions response and you get the romance.
*sigh* :giveup:

If there is anything more dangerous to the life of the mind than having no independent commitment to ideas, it is having an excess of commitment to some special and constricting idea.
Anyway, good luck with the global variables, Azorius. If you end up fixing your game using them I would be interested in knowing how you did it. :)
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Cutmeister and Jedi I'd like to thank you both. I did get it fixed. After 10 hours of searching through the stupid variables. I found the one I needed by dumb luck. It was under the number variables. I looked through one of my earlier saves where I was fighting Davik to get off the planet. After looking through it to try and find out how to reset my quest with Bastilas mother I noticed a number variable that was different than in my current game. However it wasn't very explanitory so I had no clue what it was. All I knew was it related to Bastila. The exact variable was called. K_SWG_BASTILA: anumberhere. The thing was I found out on my current game the number was 99. But in the earlier one it was 15. So I changed it to 15 and she was back having convo #5 with me. So I went thru those again and then just flew to planets so I could continue talking with her and got her to want to talk to me privately back on the Ebon hawk. And well you guys know what happened after that.*grin* Beyond that if you have any other questions on how I did it or if I didn't explain it well enough just post here and I'll keep checking this post to see. Again thank you so much.

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I believe that question has already been answered... :indif:


In KotOR one knows one's PC has achieved LS or DS mastery when a little symbol appears in the upper right corner of the PC's character screen and one sees the alignment bar all the way at the top for LS and all the way at the bottom for DS.


Here is a screenshot demonstrating a KotOR Jedi Sentinel with LS mastery:




I unequipped all items from the PC before taking this screenshot so as to remove any attribute enhancing bonuses and thus leave the PC with base stats.

The PC's base stats are







It's up to you to figure out why the screenie shows the Jedi Sentinel as having CON=17 when he has no items or clothing equipped...

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So TSL stands for The SequeL. Oh wait duh. I have just looked at my box to the second one. And read The Sith Lords. As well as whats in your previous message. I haven't played it yet. I got it when it first came out on PC. But never did play it because I wanted to beat the first one. However I quit the first one because I was playing Light side was on korriban and after going thru the tombs my two NPCs with me were broken. You could no longer intiate convos with them. If you tried they no longer followed you. And in combat they just stared at everything. It almost happened to me this time around as well. But I reloaded quickly and went solo thru the Tombs. I tell you its really annoying to know that it wasn't just my old system or anything. But rather it was a game glitch.


You know come to think of it. Part of the reason I quit back then was because of romance subplots as well. LoL. I had Carth and juhani with me. So I lost my best saber fighter and since I was a girl I lost the ability to get the romance working with Carth. So it ruinied my party because I was using both Bastila and Juhani, and it got rid of the romance. I got fed up and quit for like a year or so. Go figure. LoL.

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Hmmm. I haven't heard of NPC's that stop following the PC on Korriban.


Did you patch your KotOR to 1.03? That was the latest and greatest patch released for the first game and included all fixes from the first two patches.

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Yeah I had patched it. But for some reason in the tomb where you have to put the grenade in pillar to get by. After I blew it up and then fought the droids my teamates would no longer respond to me. I have no clue as to why they did it. But it happened on two different systems now. However like I said. The 2nd time I caught the mistake before saving and reloaded, and told the others to wait. Also BTW I'd like to say. I completed the game today. As Dark side and like I posted earlier I got the romance with Bastila. And I had her till the end. Now I just need to beat it as light side. :)

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