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Star Wars 2007?


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LOS ANGELES--LucasArts has already demonstrated with its publicly announced next-gen Indiana Jones game that it wants to employ innovative underlying technology, not just innovative graphics, in its next-generation games, and it reinforced that commitment today when we got a look behind closed doors at its next Star Wars game, due out next year on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Or at least, we got to see an interactive tech demo showing off some of the forward-looking technology that the company will be using. Lucas reps wouldn't commit to the nature of the game at this early date, but they indicated plans to bring the Force to life in radically explosive new ways...........




Could this technology be used in a new KotOR game? From the discription it sounds like it could very well be part of it.


What do you guys think?

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Definitely possible. Personally I don't see how LucasArts wouldn't use euphoria and digital molecular matter in a future KotOR game but there are certain things to consider in an RPG, like placeable items. E.g. if you can hurl a crate that contains credits, weapons, medpacks, armor, or in other words has some sort of object the PC can add to his inventory then will the items get damaged or destroyed or will they simply just fall to the ground. But what if you hurled the crate down a bottomless abyss? You shouldn't be able to get the items, right? Anyway, lots of interaction things like that to consider when applying this technology in an RPG.

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To be honest i don't think so. Why would you introduce an entirely new engine as the last in the trilogy of the game, killing the need for a sequel if the engine itself proves popular. (and dont say kotor might not be a trilogy because we all know, it will be) From the freewill the video suggested and showed, i don't believe that this is a possible Kotor engine. I would say that it is more likely to be related to the Darth Vader game in the works or hopefully a Dark Forces 3. The interview said that the character played on this test engine was able to throw mini R2's at various materials and see how they react. Therefore the freewill involved would more likely indicate that only one character would be in control, not a group of people such as in kotor. I think this is extremely unlikely to be Kotor 3.

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To be honest i don't think so. Why would you introduce an entirely new engine as the last in the trilogy of the game
Because they want to sell games, and using 5 year old technology isn't the way to do that. Besides, upgrading during a series has been done many times before.
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@HerbieZ - I don't believe euphoria is a game engine per se. From what I understand euphoria would be considered a physics engine. But the stuff I have read also mentions euphoria's advanced AI so I'm not sure exactly how that fits in along with the physics aspect. I am interested in seeing how Indy Jones 2007 turns out though to see the stuff in action.


As Prime indicated though, the Odyssey engine used in KotOR and KotOR: TSL is outdated, not just because it's old but also because it's designed for single-thread games instead of the multi-threaded games needed to take full advantage of next-gen consoles. I feel very confident that if there is another game in the KotOR series then it won't use the Odyssey engine. We'll have to wait and see where LEC goes with the next KotOR and if Fred Tetra will be able to make a KotOR Tool for it. ;)

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To be honest i don't think so. Why would you introduce an entirely new engine as the last in the trilogy of the game, killing the need for a sequel if the engine itself proves popular. (and dont say kotor might not be a trilogy because we all know, it will be) From the freewill the video suggested and showed, i don't believe that this is a possible Kotor engine. I would say that it is more likely to be related to the Darth Vader game in the works or hopefully a Dark Forces 3. The interview said that the character played on this test engine was able to throw mini R2's at various materials and see how they react. Therefore the freewill involved would more likely indicate that only one character would be in control, not a group of people such as in kotor. I think this is extremely unlikely to be Kotor 3.


What made me wonder if this might be part of a new KotOR game was the last part of the article.I do agree that this is most likely also to be used in that new Darth Vader game which is rumored.


Finally, we saw a CG concept trailer that indicated the direction LucasArts wants to go with this new game. The footage showed a number of unnamed Jedi characters essentially obliterating groups of stormtroopers and the environments around them with Force powers, sundering the ground and nearby objects and sending the bodies flying with mere thought. It looks as though the developers have a lot of the tools in place that they need to make this sort of gameplay a reality, so we'll look forward to seeing if they can acutally make it happen when more of this new Star Wars game is shown in the coming months.


Sounds a bit like KotOR what also made me think this might be part of it was the rumor not to long ago that a next KotOR game would most likely be real time.

O well we can hope can't we? :D

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I think the Secrets of 2007 Pictures are from an uncoming game that centers around Vader. It might be we are able to play Vader or the opposite end: a Jedi not killed by Order 66.


Not really my ideas, just repeating what I have seen in articles, etc.


I still think they should make three games with a new engine, etc.:



2. Vader/Order 66 to ANH

3. Legacy (Comics) Time Period


That is what 2007 should be.

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