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[KOTOR]making Dark Bastila an improved Bastila


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i always hated that Dark Bastila wouldn't keep any of the skills, feats, attributes and powers i got her before Malak stepped in to train her :) i can't think of any better way to give her bonus feats and other improvements than equip her with a hide item, but there'd be the annoying issue that one could add a feature during levelUp she already has as bonus feat. do you think she's better off totally remaked?

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the sad thing is that in K1 there's no way to grant feats/powers/skills/attributes to a creature, even with the creature hide item granting bonus feats and stuff i could never get her anything else (dark powers...). i could make a level 3 utc so that the player would build Dark Bastila himself but obviously the Bastila you fight in the rakatan temple would use no force power/feat that ain't in that utc (no force wave) and would be Sentinel 15-20, not 3.

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Thats what I was talking about changing her UTC file to match your usuall build of Bastilla.
that would mean a level 15 Bastila with the feats and stuff i usually give her during a game, that's not what i said, i meant making the utc a level 3 dark side Bastila with the basic training she has when she first joined your party, maybe a little improved - doing so the player could build Dark Bastila from level 3 up to 20 giving her the dark powers and the training he wants, that way at least she could be more like the player made her during the game: if you gave Good Bastila Master Empathy and Stasis Field for example, you could give those to Evil Bastila as well so she isn't a totally different character.


EDIT: but i guess that wouldn't be that much different from what the game does, i mean, if you build Dark Bastila from level 3 she won't (could not) turn out to be what she used to: you can only give an npc so much powers and feats, you'd have to sacrifice some of the old ones for the new ones. i give up i think :(

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the sad thing is that in K1 there's no way to grant feats/powers/skills/attributes to a creature, even with the creature hide item granting bonus feats and stuff i could never get her anything else (dark powers...). i could make a level 3 utc so that the player would build Dark Bastila himself but obviously the Bastila you fight in the rakatan temple would use no force power/feat that ain't in that utc (no force wave) and would be Sentinel 15-20, not 3.
The Bastila you fight on the Temple is a different UTC file than the one that joins you.


The one that fights you is the unk44_evilbast.utc file, and the one that joins you is the p_bastilla004.utc file. Those are found in the unk_m44ac module. You can change the p_bastilla004.utc file the way you want Bastila to be. If you want her to be just like she was when she leaves you, just change her that way, or you can make her even more powerful than when she left you.

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that was the plan but there's no way to add Malak's training (master power attack, dark side powers..) via script so i guessed i cuold build her from level 3 but i couldn't give her master power attack along with all the training Good Bastila had (say Master Flurry, Master Valor..), you can't make her the way she was and at the same time the way she has to be (with all the new stuff).

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that was the plan but there's no way to add Malak's training (master power attack, dark side powers..) via script so i guessed i cuold build her from level 3 but i couldn't give her master power attack along with all the training Good Bastila had (say Master Flurry, Master Valor..), you can't make her the way she was and at the same time the way she has to be (with all the new stuff).
Yes you can.


There is places to put new Force Powers in the UTC file. Explore the the file a bit.

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There is places to put new Force Powers in the UTC file. Explore the the file a bit.
:) i mean you can't do that if you levelUp her in-game from level 3 up to 20. doing the levelUp in-game from level 3 is the only way the player can have Dark Bastila resemble the Good Bastila you built up to level 15 during the game, however she used to be, with whatever training she used to have (not the way i built her the last playthrough or some "standard" level 15 Good Bastila).
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