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Serious glitch...problem with mods


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I downloaded a mod called KotOR remix at pcgamemods, and installed it with several other mods I already had in the game, including a padawan mod, Allronix's dialogue mod, and the Holowan plugin. Everything's fine, up until I realize that somehow I didn't lose Trask when I got to Taris. I thought that was weird, but it wasn't interfering with gameplay, so I didn't think anything of it. Well, by the time I got to the end of the swoop race, Bastila never joined my party and two Trasks had spawned in the apartment. Really weird. I kept playing until I got off of Taris, and ended up only being able to access parts of the Ebon Hawk. The only people even on the ship were Canderous, Carth, and Trask...Mission, Zalbaar, and T3 weren't anywhere to be seen. There were giant holes into outer space on the Ebon Hawk, and a selectable (the blue circle kind of selectable) place called "CutStart" at the very front of the ship. I figured it was a trigger where the cutscene was supposed to start, but since Bastila had never joined the party, the scene couldn't start.


If there is ANY way I can fix this without having to play all that way again, I would appreciate your advice on the subject.

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This problem have never happend to me, but i know that the Remix mod mess up the game. The republic soldier that are on Taris do so HK-47 can't join your party later in game, even after the soldier have left you party.

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you have a case of my-mod-overwrote-another-file-for-another-mod syndrome. what most likely happened is that one or more of your mods overwrote a file on another mod, thereby glitching up your game entirely. another possibility is that one of your mods could have been glitchy in the first place. im pretty sure your only option is to check the files that overlap in your mods (files that both mods put in the override file) and edit them together. i wouldnt suggest it if i were you, though, considering i fried my computer royally with playing around with my mods.

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It looks like some scripts that are normally attached to the .dlg files aren't firing or finding the values they are looking for, making the dialogue mod the suspect no.1 here.


Try starting a new game without the dialogue mod. See if Trask is removed from your party as it should on the Endar Spire.

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