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Moves into the other realm...

Guest S1DC

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Read the following instructions carefully:


Thus have I heard:

That the kinds of forumites are many

That those kinds are not all favorable

And these miserable kinds happen without cause

Woe to the forumite who is of the miserable kind!

Without cause he feels he is shunned

Having desired to annoy no one, they are nonetheless annoyed

How then may they avoid the pot hole of the miserable forumite?

How can ignorance be transormed?

Receive now the signs and avoid them as a snake in the grass

The bad signs, they bring misery to the forumite

Receive now these truths!


When the forumite is young, he is a newbie

Having made no mistakes, they are all before him

Having made no friends, none will defend him

Having no wiles, with misery shall he find company

These three things he needs most!

Making mistakes is the great teacher; may he see others make them first and thus be spared

Making friends is the first goal; they will show one mistakes so he may avoid them

Learning wiles is the lesser goal; remember the order

With reverence he must cherish these three if he is to avoid misery


The discussion forum is like a great hall

Full of courtiers armed with swords, and no king

The slightest sound will travel up the rafters to the dome and be heard by all

Learn this well: sound carries!

Before speaking with the booming voice, one should try quiet gestures

One will thus find a good volume without shouting

One will also hear the mistakes of others and thus avoid them

He who shouts receives misery--it is his due


The key to friendship in the great hall is presents

Who is this beggar who comes empty handed?

Away with him--bearing nothing, he will only take!

We have no need to fill empty arms

Now the forumite who brings gifts for the hall of courtiers will be well received

Let him then bring us funny jokes and interesting links

Let the newbie dance and entertain the hall

Until he has posted six hundred times he is unmasked and inferior

The newbie who accepts and moves beyond this is spared; this is the secret

Owed nothing, expecting nothing, he is rewarded


Misery is still the bounty of he without wiles

Knowing not the joke, he is offended

Knowing not the game, he is blown up in outer space

Knowing not how to prick back others when pricked, he is the target

Remember the order of goals:

Friends, then wiles

And the pricking no longer is misery


These three are the ways

To learn well, the newbie is well advised

See beyond!

This is not a page with words

Cherish the three ways and be a forumite of patient honor


Om! Peace!





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Thanks for the Crack-down (sorry wink.gif ) over at RSN, but I'm not sure it will be enough in the long run.


I mean, how exactly do you deal with someone who feels "I don't like being considered a newbie or a spammer,... so I'll get my post count up by starting 10 new threads a day and posting as much as I can everwhere else so that I can reach 600 by the end of the week, AND THAT WILL GET ME SOME RESPECT!!!!"


This is someone who clearly doesn't understand the definitions of spam or newbie.


He is clearly the worst offender at RSN at the moment.

I am noticing a bit of a mass-exodus of some of the older members over there as well. Seems like there are a few people fed up with the current atmosphere over there.

You have a long road ahead of you, bud.

Good luck.

You're gonna need it! biggrin.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

...Anyone notice he hasn't been back since right after he posted this?


Ahhh. biggrin.gif There's nothing like a well-defended airspace.

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UPDATE to last post:

The situation has degenerated over there, quite a bit.

I was just there and we have an all-out war between Helix and TK-421. Every thread has them going at each other. It's getting ugly.

Somebody may want to get over there and give these two a "break" for a while to cool down and think about what they've done, and let things get back to normal.

A few thread closings/ deletions may be in order as well.

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Well I think that the mods for that site, whom all seem to post here a LOT more often than there, might.

Of course I wouldn't have to post requests like this if any of them had an e-mail address in thier profiles that actually seemed to be active!

The way I see it, if nobody is going to moderate that site out of it's present condition, then it might as well be shut down to free up some valuable bandwidth and server space.

Just my opinion, of course. biggrin.gif




[This message has been edited by edlib (edited October 12, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue15

Originally posted by edlib:

Well I think that the mods for that site, whom all seem to post here a LOT more often than there, might.

Of course I wouldn't have to post requests like this if any of them had an e-mail address in thier profiles that actually seemed to be active!

The way I see it, if nobody is going to moderate that site out of it's present condition, then it might as well be shut down to free up some valuable bandwidth and server space.

Just my opinion, of course. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by edlib (edited October 12, 2001).]


I'm a moderator over there, just in one forum, which nobody bothers going in. I've stayed long enough to become a mod at the downtime forum (about 3 years, I registered July '99). I check the site about every hour too, I even have it set as my homepage. If I become a mod at the downtime lounge, I'll bring order to it, swift and justly.



/end speech


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You will notice i have not been around...


Namely because the activities at the RSN forums sickens me. I have this strange feeling i will not be posting there very often anymore..


I am quite ashamed to be associated with them right now.

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Originally posted by Poor Bastard:

Yes! I would enjoy a sig by the one and only S1JSBSB Technologies! But I have little money! How much do these "unique" sigs cost? I MUST KNOW!~!~!~!~!!@!!1


I have been a graphics artist for 3 years, and work for the netzine pedalBMX, as well as do private work for several 3rd party organizations, and recording labels. Would you like to question my abilities further or would you like me to post my commercial work?



Saber One


Kyougu Issanni lightsaber_aqua_SP_LE_small.gif011.gif

Need a unique signature? Custom Lightsaber Anims by S1DC Technologies!!!


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Guest Rogue15

Originally posted by Ikhnaton:

I'm sure they love that, R15 rolleyes.gif



all i did was put please upgrade www.roguesquadron.net in my signature, and since the sig is activated w/o me having to press the show signature button...i doubt it if they ever read it. however, i do have info on the forums:



The RS.net forums will be updated when all the rest of our forums are upgraded. When will this happen you ask? To be honest, I'm not really sure. We are hoping to move to a new server in about 2 - 3 weeks, after that upgrading the forums will be one of the top concerns (the graphics are already in the works).


that's what chris3po said.




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Guest Wraith 9

Well Saber 1... im from RSN.net.. i just joined this forum.


But Ikhnaton realy did a good job on TK-421 and Helix and closed a lot of threads.


I hope they will finally grow up.


BTW Saber... you wont forget about the sigs and that movie where you eat your Key board will ya??





You are the victim of Garik Loran. A.K.A. FACE lsabre.gif

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