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The Galaxy Droid Glitch

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I right now have a save were I'm standing right by the Galaxy Droid with the two Zaalabar in my party and T3-M4 gone. I want to go all the way back to the Endire Spire, but when I go outside the Ebon Hawk, it starts to load up and quits loading at the last little bit. It dosen't freeze, because you can still hear the loading noises. But it just never loads all the way. It just stops. I even tried waiting an hour, but still, no loady. Has anyone have this happen and can you help? :ball:

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if i was you ill check your disk it might be scratched or the lens on the xbox might be dirty if you have a disk cleaner use it to clean it .

if the disk is scratched you can use a repair kit this might work depending on the problem however if its deep it might not work

ill start of with that.

you probley know how a torch beam is reduced when you cover it with paper the same thing is probley happing to your game. but in this case the torch beam is like the laser and the paper is dust on the lens that might work for you if not let me know

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It had happened to me once too, and the game freezed every time when I tried to go to Star Forge, Endar Spire or Leviathan. And if you go to Taris, Canderous will not be waiting at the Lower City cantina, and you can't enter the "strange ruins" on Dantooine. So the working planets are:





Unkown World

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