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some needed info about Jedi Outcast


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I've been playing this game on and off since the day it came out and I recently reinstalled it only to find that:



1. most servers i can access are only the stage Bespin with no rotating maps


2. the servers that look really interesting give me a Server Uses Protocol 15 error, even though i'm updated to 1.04


3. there are a lack of servers using guns




can anyone help or make some suggestions for me?

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I dunno what protocol 15 is. As for the bespin thing, it seems to be every person and their mother's favorite map, cause of the dueling pad and other stuff, so servers like to keep it on just that. Not sure why. And for your last question, there's not really much you can do about that unless you make your own gun server or something. Sorry.

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would it be possible for someone with lots of mods/skins/etc to make a cd-rom or dvd with all of the files on it and mail it to me?





Go to the different websites and forums like the rest of us and d/l them you lazy bastard. Of all the nerve. ROFL

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yeah isn't this supposed to be a community? i'm not sorry that i don't have as much time to spare on the internet as YOU do, my friend.



Oh now now guys. Just because Dtriniman is a bit nitpicky doesn't necessarily mean he's a total loser.


He could have been a little nicer though... :mob:


To answer your questions:





1. Most servers i can access are only the stage Bespin with no rotating maps


Alot of servers these days are nf/ffa/duel.. or as their detractors call them, ("honourz", "f#$*ing noobs)


There are alot of these servers, some with force...some with none... some with custom maps sometimes...varying levels of force.... though most of them DO NOT feature guns.


You just got to look a little harder... I can join a 1.4 CTF server when ever I want.




2. The servers that look really interesting give me a Server Uses Protocol 15 error, even though i'm updated to 1.04


And this is the reason why you're getting this message. The different versions of Outcast (1.2, 1.3. 1.4) all use different protocols (well at least 1.2, 1.4).


To put it simply, if you didn't update to 1.4 then you could get into those "Server Uses Protocol 15" servers.




3. There are a lack of servers using guns







Oh and if you have any questions more questions (aside from the cd : ) you can pm me.

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Theres community and then theres ppl doign the workf for you. Everyone just asks where they can get the stuff. Your the 1st person to have the nerve to want some1 to hand u on a platter and I've been playing the game a little after it came out and have been on forums about the same amount of time. I don't have to be nicer about it. That's just damn lazy end of story.






There's where you can go. You keep asking for a silver platter and I'll keep insulting you. Your choice.


If time is a prob get a download manager and set the downloads. Then watch the time and set your PC to turn off aroudn the time the d/l will be finished.

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thanks for the info guys.

the thing is that since hurricane katrina, i haven't had access to speedy internet so i can't do much downloading =(



this is why i was asking if someone could just copy their jk2 files onto a cd and mail it to me. sheesh.

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i was actually able to find much more helpful community members on another site. thanks anyway.


oh and about your 'jedi' cred, dtriniman..



i've been playing this series since Dark Forces and i preordered JO. i lost all of my stuff in hurricane katrina. how's that for jedi cred? prick.

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Go to the different websites and forums like the rest of us and d/l them you lazy bastard. Of all the nerve. ROFL

It's people like you that make such a strong community.
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i was hoping someone could reference places for me to find more servers.

Jedi Academy, sorry, but one day we all have to face the fact that JA is much better than JO, with much more servers and mods which make online gameplay much better.


There's where you can go. You keep asking for a silver platter and I'll keep insulting you. Your choice.

I would tell you where you can go, but then I would be no better than you, you won't "keep insulting" him, we don't solve things with flame wars here, maybe you should grow up before you come back here again.

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There's where you can go. You keep asking for a silver platter and I'll keep insulting you. Your choice.


dtriniman, it is commonly expected that you remain polite especially given the pedestrian context of this thread.


Use some manners, if this guy is really such a rube then why make a rube of yourself?



i was actually able to find much more helpful community members on another site. thanks anyway.


People are sensitive here.




EDIT: Here's some good links:


JediKnight.net >>> http://jediknight.net/


FileFront: Jedi Knight 2 >>> http://jediknight2.filefront.com (downloads)


The Massassi Temple >>> http://www.massassi.net/


The Force Temple: Jedi Outcast >>> http://www.force-temple.com/jk2/


The Jedi Sanctuary >>> http://www.3dactionplanet.com/jediknight/


JediKnightII.net >>>http://www.jediknightii.net/


http://ftp.games.skynet.be/pub/www.filesnetwork.com/Jedi_Knight_II (downloads)

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oh and about your 'jedi' cred, dtriniman..


I'm not trying to claim cred, merely to point out that I've been goign thru forums for awhile now and you're the 1st to ask for some1 to give u everything


I would tell you where you can go, but then I would be no better than you, you won't "keep insulting" him, we don't solve things with flame wars here, maybe you should grow up before you come back here again.


I gave him 2 places to go to and suggested a d/l manager to assist if time was a factor.I think he's gotten help. I had an opinion and I expressed it and in the future if I have an opinion I will express it. I haven't used any grotesquely obscene words although I do apologize for using bastard. Ppl have come and gone and simpy asked where do I get stuff. Oh btw be a little more original than grow up. That shows a weak mind. Once some1 says something you don't like they r either little kids or grown adults who shouldn't be concerned with games. Anything else?


dtriniman, it is commonly expected that you remain polite especially given the pedestrian context of this thread.


Use some manners, if this guy is really such a rube then why make a rube of yourself?


You are right of course.I apologize my friend. I'll dull it down next time. You have my word.

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