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All Jedi party


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To me, Knights of the Old Republic somehow makes me think that every playable character should be some kind of Jedi. Currently, there is four ingame, and Carth, Canderous and Mission can be turned into Jedi by RedHawke. That leaves three characters not being Jedi: Zaalbar, T3 and HK. What are recommended mods to have three more Jedi in my team? I am not sure about the recruit npc-mods how do they work, but if someone knows good way to replace those three, please let me know. Thank you.

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Well between Redhawke's Recruit Redhawke and my Recruit Darkkender both of these mods give you the ability to choose the partymember that you can replace. These mods would probably be your best options if your unsure on the way a recruit mod works. Now there have been a few modders here and I keep thinking about it myself that have either talked about a jedi Zaalbar mod or maybe one or 2 that have done one however it seems hard to locate any decent Jedi Zaalbar.


Many of the recruit mods are pretty straight forward toss the files in overide and in the case of My Recruit Darkkender you'll want to have a pretty fresh game as the Recruit get spawned right there in the apartment building when you first leave it. I tried to put alot of effort forth in making certain that when you filled in an empty character slot that if you removed the Darkkender recruit that it didn't place A NPC you hadn't encountered yet into your party as it kinda broke the realism of that type of thing. I would also recommend a fresh game for recruit Redhawke as there are various adjustments that RH makes available. But even Recruit RH can be pretty straight forward.


The biggest drawback to the recruit mods would be the effort put forth for dialogues of the recruits. Since most of the recruits have very little to say. I sometimes look at my effort in that department and feel ashamed very frequently. Then I ask why don't I do something about it and then I look at my pile of projects and say maybe thats why.

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So, how does the replacement work? The new recruit just overwrites the place of the old npc in party selection screen and such?


There are actually two character files -- One, an NPC, for when you first meet the character, and one that actually joins your party.


When you have the discussion with the NPC version of your character, and say the line that goes something like, "Join my cause and help me save the Jedi!" or something, you fire a script that essentially removes the character that you want to replace, and then adds the character from the second file into that slot which you just emptied.


Check out some of the recruit mods from PCGameMods and take them apart. You can use them to take a look around and get a feel for it.


Also do use Darth333's tutorial on Recruit Mods -- Found here.



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And what about the quests of the removed npc, let's say Zaalbar? Are active ones removed or does it cause some kind of complications? I don't see too much problem with T3, as he doesn't have quests, HK-47 may be bit difficult? After all, I am complete noob when it comes to mods.

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HK-47's only quests are triggered by you repairing him. Oh my I get another HK story now that he is fixed for the 12th time.(I actually take great joy in his stories.) Beyond that Hk has no quests in K1. In K2 thats slightly different. Of course As much as I like recruit mods I also like having more than Jedi's in my party it actually gives more of an immersion of story within the game if you can have others especially droids who will never share your idealistic views.

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I know in the big ol' Holowan Plug in 2 for K1, there's a recruit Mekel mod that will replace Zaalbar once Kashyyyk is finished. I believe the also included Dustil recruit mod for K1 (DS only) replaces one of the droids. They aren't, uh, "Jedi", but for all practical purposes, I believe they work the same way, Force powers 'n such. I've also heard of a Recruit Yuthura mod, I'm not sure who she replaces. You could probably find all these mods seperately by searching pcgamemods.com.


The biggest drawback to the recruit mods would be the effort put forth for dialogues of the recruits. Since most of the recruits have very little to say. I sometimes look at my effort in that department and feel ashamed very frequently. Then I ask why don't I do something about it and then I look at my pile of projects and say maybe thats why.


::weeps:: Right now I'm wishing my K2 recruit mod I'm making would have done something nice like not try to get into EVERYTHING...

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I decided a few months ago to make a mini Dustil recruit mod, just so you could use him on Telos (and so he wouldn't be dead on Korriban). Then he decided that wasn't enough. Like many creative endeavors, it took on a life of its own. Right now his dialogue file is a bit bigger than Atton's, not inculding cut-scenes, custom items, and trying to worm his way into the story as a meaningful member rather than what I originally intended, just a cool cameo.


I'll grant I've learned a whole lot more of modding from all of you lovely people because Dustil wanted more screentime, which is good, but then, I sometimes despair of finishing it because he won't leave me alone :) So, basically, I meant he's causing me so much hair-pulling, I wish he'd been a nice, docile mod and didn't have much to say :)

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Let's see. For DS players, there are a series of mods over at kotorfanmedia. The Slayer of Kashyyyk (Zaalbar), the Telosian Devil (Carth), the Dark Child (Mission), and the Elder of Death (Jolee). Add RedHawke's "Sith Canderous" mod, and a DS player has a nasty armada.


LS-leaning players can have Mission trained by a Jedi cousin with RedHawke's mod. Carth as 2 options. RedHawke's mod spawns a Quarren on Dantooine. Mine (Carth's Secret) has Jolee training Flyboy under the radar.


Converting the droids is rather pointless, as they lack animations (so it looks pretty clumsy), but modding Big Z might be a decent challenge...


As for "recruit" mods? Heh. I've whipped up some dialogue trees on recruitable characters for my own use, especially after I tweaked the "recruit Dustil" and "Recruit Yuthura" into a "recruit one or the other" for LS players. My LSF now gets to sheepishly admit "Uh, Dustil, about your dad and me..." I'll share if someone wants.

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oh wait so the steps do work on K2.




Yes, it does work. You'll need Darth333's Whereami band (get it from the threads with the modding tools) to get your x, y, z coordinates for the spawn script, and the party numbers are different. For K2, the tags are, as I recall:

Atton: Atton

Bao-Dur: BaoDur

Mandalore: Mand

G0-T0: g0t0 <--zeros, not o's.

Handmaiden: Handmaiden

HK-47: hk47

Kreia: Kreia

Mira: Mira

T3-M4: T3m4

Visas: VisasMarr

Hanharr: Hanharr

Disciple: Disciple


The numbers they take up in the party table are:

Atton: 0

Bao-Dur: 1

Mandalore: 2

G0-T0: 3

Handmaiden: 4

HK-47: 5

Kreia: 6

Mira: 7

T3-M4: 8

Visas: 9

Hanharr: 10

Disciple: 11


If you decide to replace a character in K2, make sure when you do it, they've done everything in the game they're needed for. HK-47 is a very safe choice to replace because you can play the entire game without him. I'm not sure about how safe it would be to replace anyone else, except that several have roles to play at the end, so they need to be there to play them.

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if you have kotor 2 for pc then you can use the KSE to edit the class of the to jedi xxxxxxx. thats why g0t0 can use force lightning ect!


OK, let me tell you what's wrong here.


First of all, G0-T0 can never use force lightning with the effect, because he has no force animations, lightsaber animations, or even melee animations.


Also, this thread is about KotOR 1... while KSE does work on KotOR 1, G0-T0 and K2 have no relevance to this thread.


if you have kotor 2 for pc


This makes it SPAM.


And I don't think that's what he wants to do. He wants to replace those characters, not use a half working change to mess with it.



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