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Starting stats mod for party members


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The very very poor character design (stats-wise, that is) for pretty much the whole gang of recruitable NPCs has been bugging me for a while, and I've been meaning to make a mod to correct them, but I can't find a tutorial for this kind of thing (everyone seems to be more interested in making items...)


My specific problem is that everyone seems to have gotten level 1 stats (including FP and VP totals), regardless of their actual level when they enter the game. Visas has only thirty-odd FP and VP, when they should be in the high sixties for FP and high eighties for VP at that level. Several characters - Atton and Visas in particular - have truly stupid stats (low INT on traditionally high-INT classes, with corresponding abysmal skill point totals).


I've been fixing these problems using a savegame editor, but I'd like a more permanent solution that I could just plop into the overrides folder and forget about...


I can supply a full laundry list of stats changes if anyone has the time to make this mod - it's basically a matter of writing it out...



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Well, I can't do this at this point -- I am away from my home computer on vacation... ( :^: ) but I think I can help you do it yourself.


If you change the p_*****.utc files in KT, and place them in override, whenever you recruit the npc in question, it would recruit the one you changed, not the weak default one.


Find the p_****.utc files in Blueprint, Character in BIFs. The ****'s represent the character's name.


Open each up in KT, click through the tabs, edit the Feats, Stats, Powers, VP, FP, etc. and then save it with the same name in Override.


Now, IIRC, this will only affect characters that are not already recruited. This would mean that you would need to restart the game from before any changed characters would come into effect.


This has been done in a different way with someone's mod ((can anyone tell me who? I thought it was ChAiNz's, but I can't seem to find it now...)) that increases the stats of the three major bosses of the game.


Try this and see what happens.


If there are problems another modder or I will be able to help you resolve them.


Or maybe someone else would be willing to do this for you, if you give a list of changes...



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Thanks a lot - it really has been bugging me that the characters are so poorly designed. Visas is nearly useless because her stats are so messed up, Atton is more or less shelved after Telos since he doesn't skill up the way a scoundrel/sentinel is supposed to. I just hope the VP/FP changes are sticky, rather than calculated at load time (like the PC's)...


I'll try this, and post the mod (I think) when I'm satisfied with it.



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Thanks a lot - it really has been bugging me that the characters are so poorly designed. Visas is nearly useless because her stats are so messed up, Atton is more or less shelved after Telos since he doesn't skill up the way a scoundrel/sentinel is supposed to. I just hope the VP/FP changes are sticky, rather than calculated at load time (like the PC's)...


I'll try this, and post the mod (I think) when I'm satisfied with it.

In my Prequel Style Robe Mod, each party memeber has their own modified stats (except for the droids and Hanharr).





I made them a little more useful! :D

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I'm going to take this moment to get up on a soapbox. I really hate it when mods are released without full documentation. I mean, I can understand that they're doing this as a courtesy to the community and that sometimes it's a little much especially once you finally get it working. But still. Before I download something to use in my game I want to know exactly what it does.


And I don't want to criticize Shem here, who makes some excellent mods, but for example:

His prequel style robes mod description doesn't actually mention changing stats. And it doesn't list in the description if the robes themselves are actually statted or not. It's just frustrating when you download a mod for one purpose and it ends up doing something else too. Or worse when it does something really cool, but you can't find the mod because the effect you want is undocumented.

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I could apreciate your soapbox there ABCoLD but sometimes things like those are easter eggs. That and leaving no surprises for those playing the mod is a bit well whats the word I'm looking for here "bland". A readme really should have to say what is included in the mod such as file names and maybe hints of what to look for or something. If your looking at a mod because the robes look cool then you download it and adjust the stats. Now if your talking about "Joe Bob Newbie Modders Spectacular Armband of Doom" then yes some stats for the item are in order as that would be it's actual selling point. I could also understand if a mod is titled "Revans Improved Cutscene robes" the desire to know in what way they are improved. But when your talking about mods such as a prequel robe mod you should be looking for which robes are in there (Anakins, Obi-wans, etc.), how do I get them in game, and what do they look like. If the modder sneaks in things like changes to NPC's without mentioning it just because then yes I completely understand wanting to know why they are there. However if the modder says in description that you can find "Jane NPC and Joe NPC wearing them" then expect there is a chance they might have done something else with Jane & Joe as a side of caution.


Of course this is just me Ranting on your soapbox and can be disregarded as anything productive by most.

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