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If you could change one thing in KOTOR 2?


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If you could change ONLY one thing in KOTOR 2, what would it be?

A few examples would be: cut content included, better influence system, longer game, action rpg (you know who you are), better graphics, fav mod officially part of the game, longer game, new story arc, part of the story changed, or nothing.


If I could have ONLY one thing, it would have been romance with Atton (sigh...), or something appropriate for the male Exile.


But other than that, bring back the cut content because the end of the game was just plain sloppy.

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I would add a continued play mode, where you can play through the game again with whatever stats you had at the end of the game. Simply because I don't have the patience to level to 40 with the unlimited Hssiss glitch. And I think level 40 would be cool.

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