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Email deleted. Thanks so much for the link!!!11 Just a question, why arent emails allowed in posts??


Oh, and that is a different head that was turned Chiss in your link. That is the number 2 Caucasian head, I believe, and I want the #1 Caucasian head to be Chiss.

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Email deleted. Thanks so much for the link!!!11 Just a question, why arent emails allowed in posts??

These particular forums are scoured by spider bots constantly, harvesting any e-mail it can find. Its not so much as something to protect LF as it is to protect you from the TONS of spam or un-wanted solicitations you'll get when you've been harvested...


Bots can't scour the munged emails contained in the PM system, nor are rarely bots programmed to scour that deep in a website infrastructure...


That of course, is my take on it...


There are other parts of LF that don't mind posting them.. though it's not something that would be wise around the SWK parts. We get ALOT of traffic since KotOR is (was) more of the recent games in the LA lineup. To be honest, I wouldn't post my addie in E@W either because it's high traffic rate (newer game), but I'm not sure what their particulars are for that Forum.


lukeiamyourdad or Darth Moeller could probably better answer that one.. :)

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That of course, is my take on it...


That is a pretty good take on it, makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


Any help is greatly appreciated :)


Edit: Can nobody help me with this????


I have deleted your 'bump' post. I'm sorry no one is responding to your request TheBag85, but 'bumping' your thread like this isn't allowed here, please read our Forum Rules as well as the unique Rules for this Request forum. Thanks. -RH

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