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Return of the NPCs


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The player 'finished' their story in K1 and 2.

They should anly make impressive cameo's. That way, new characters (or old ones that didn't get a chance, like Dustil) can make their apearance in your party, while you'll still keep a link to K1 and K2.

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We'll some (former) party members should return. Like bastila and Carth. And I'd like to know what happened to Jolee and Juhani. I don't think that they choose the dark side ending. And imo Jolee and Juhani are too smart to get tracked down by Nihilius or Sion. So where the hell are they?


Also what happened to Mission and zaalbar?


If there's a connection between the exile and Revan, some K2 members should appear. Mira, Visas, Atton, probably Mandlore aka Canderous, maybe Atris.


T3 and HK - 47 should return. I like them(meatbag:D).


I don't think that the handmaiden or the disciple return, since it depends on your gender who joins your party.

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I don't think that the handmaiden or the disciple return, since it depends on your gender who joins your party.


I disagree.. I think because you don't get to see the Disciple or Handmaiden because your not a certain gender should be a reason too see them at least make a cameo appearence. They do exist in game regardless of your gender, the only thing that they only join your party dependent on your gender.


For the most part I think all of the other characters will make cameo appearences. Such as Carth, Canderous, and many other NPCs from K1 and K2. I think the droids are probably going to stick around in your party for a while, though I hope K3 makes them a bit more useful.


Other than party members though I would like to see Darth Bandon return from the dead to be your arch enemy or something. He didn't really have much of a compelling character in K1 so it was a bit dissapointing to kill him. Perhaps good ole Gadon Thek survived the sith bombardment of Taris. I thought Gadon Thek was a good character, at least had a good voice actor and all. Perhaps Suvam Tan can be found in his lonely workshop at Yavin Station building custom items once more.

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I've been thinking on this, and Bastilla and Carth should definately be in it.


Bastilla becomes the trainer of your PC in this story and the source of your Revan establishment. You can talk to her about Revan, slipping in options that determine gender and force alignment. With influence and stuff, she spills the beans regarding her fall to the dark side; her love for him/respect for her; and how how he/she turned her back to light/sacraficed her for good. [slip in some bull on how she survived the destruction and all that and was rehabilitated.]


Could be a way to explain Revan, and include an old character, who has aged and has some story to tell. Also handle's the plot hole on how she's light and alive in TSL.


I hate contradiction VERY much so I'd say other than those 2 [who have already returned] it would be best to avoid other characters.


WAIT... T3 and HK will be there too.

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Just thought of another interesting character from K1 that I'd like to see in K3 - that Iridorian Mercenary from Manaan, he seemed like an interesting species, it may even be nice to have him, or another Iridorian mercenary in your party.

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Oh yeah, was he the guy in the yellow envirosuit in the cantina place thing?


Other than party members though I would like to see Darth Bandon return from the dead to be your arch enemy or something.


Yes, I want Darth Bandon Back! He was hella tight! :twogun:

Maybe we'll have an Atton/Twilek twins thing going on (next time, strike to kill), or something.

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In a moment of random curiousity, I wonder if any NPCs (major and minor) will return for K3, from Atris to Captain Grenn to that Asian Salesman at the Onderon Marketplace. Your thoughts?

Major plot line NPC? Probably not. Minor character? An absolute possibility of a definite maybe...

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Some characters should definetly return, such as HK and T3 (however I don't really care that much about T3, but I tink he's HK's counterpart). Aside from that, I would like to see Bastila and Canderous. I forgot if the women Revans couls kill Carth, but I thought they could, otherwise he could have escaped. As for Jolee, well he got himself killed and Juhani got to eat lighsaber all the way back on Dantooine. Big Z ff course killed Mission because of his lifedept (with a little help from the Force). I'm not sure about the K2 characters. Out of the 9


2 depended on gender/alignment (for a total of 4), could still be alive, at least 1 or 2 of them actually did survive

3 are from K1

Visas would be pointless since the other guy is dead, survived though

1 dies

1 I assume is dead as well (BD because of the remote)

I assume the fat one was left behind or destroyed by HK

Atton survived


Now those that survived could still have died in the crash, but they could also have survived the crash. It's just that we haven't seen them die no matter how hard we tried. Still, they could have been left behind. Regardless KOTOR wouldn't be KOTOR without HK.

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Since in the LS ending of K2 it shows the exile and/or survivors flying into (i'm assuming) the unknown regions via the ebon hawk, I would think that Jedi, your list of survivors from K2 were more than likely on the ship. Since the second game/movie in a trilogy usually has a cliffhanger ending that the third starts right off from, We may end up with those survivors on board as characters. I think this would SUCK as Atton is a whimpy LOSER. :chainsaw:

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I actually prefer most of the former companions in the previous games to make appearances in the game... Assuming they're alive, of course. For example, characters like Jolee or Mission should appear only if Revan is set to LS in the game. Visas should appear only if the Exile is set to LS, and Brianna only if Exile is set to LS male (since she is likely to be dead in if the Exile is female)

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See, the problem there is too much customization before the game. We (and especially new players) will think what the hell is this? I would much rather have both previous characters gone to the Dark Side, to set a more difficult stage, and play as Jedi (nothing special), who start of WiTH the force, and WiTH a LiGHTSABER! More still, I'd like the Exile to be back (play as him/her again, I like the Exile more than Revan for some reason), and fight through Sith in the Unkown Regions (insert biggest twist ever seen in KOTOR halfway through game) Then have ultimate showdown with Revan for control of the galaxy, yadda yadda yadda...


I actually prefer most of the former companions in the previous games to make appearances in the game... Assuming they're alive, of course. For example, characters like Jolee or Mission should appear only if Revan is set to LS in the game. Visas should appear only if the Exile is set to LS, and Brianna only if Exile is set to LS male (since she is likely to be dead in if the Exile is female)

Yes, I've been thinking about this, and I think it would be spiffy if we had ALL surviving characters (don't flame me yet!) to be available party members. You know how in K1 & K2 we always had some sort of base planet as well as the Ebon Hawk? Maybe we could eventually reunite with all the characters (except GOTO... MAY HE BURN!!!), and the ones you don't want to travel with you right away you drop off on the safe planet, maybe Coruscant or something.

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I disagree.. I think because you don't get to see the Disciple or Handmaiden because your not a certain gender should be a reason too see them at least make a cameo appearence. They do exist in game regardless of your gender, the only thing that they only join your party dependent on your gender.

In that case neither should Mira, or Hanharr. They depend on your alignment.


D'oh. Forgot that. ok. Throw Mira and Hanharr into the digital nirvana.:D or give "hints" about them. Like that bracelet that you could find in K2.

For M vao



We'll throw em away. Nobody of Obsidian bothered with Jolee or Juhani in K2.


That leaves Mandalore, Visas, HK, T3, Carth, Bastila, Juhani, Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar, Atton. Oh yeah forgot Bao-Dur. But I don't care about him.


I didn't count Go-To. imo he sucks. I never used him. -_-.

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