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I play online and I noticed people using glitches. Earlier a droideka got stuck in a wall on mustafar and we couldn't capture the CP. we could have won but instead we lost, and you only get the option to vote off teamates!! How can I counter-attack glitches? is there anyway to stop them?

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I think if you knew how to do the glitch itself, you would be able to do the same so you can get to where the glitcher is and kill him. Other then that, you would need an admin on the server or have a successful vote kick (do those things even work?).

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Well if you're playing on a server with room for let's say.....32 people there's most likely an admin modorating the coversation and actions of the people playing. If you know the admin's x-fire, you can contact him via it.The servers with 4-5 people will have the vote-off feature most likely.

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  • 10 months later...

i was once playing on hoth and was going to my last command post to capture. It was one of the bunkers. An imperial was stuck under the command post so we couldnt capture it or kill him. He could also shoot at us through the floor. Had to restart that one.

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