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Got 3D max 8 !!! What import and export thingies do I need?


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Hey , I've read a lot of threads about moddeling for JA . So I see I need something called Carcass and something like .xsi and all , but everything seems to be made for max 5 or 6 . SO would these importer / exporters work in max 8 or does anybody knows they already made newer versions ???


Got milkshape to but looks like everybody shoot the program through the head for moddeling :blast9: Lol


Thanx for the replies .

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So where would I find SDK ??

Think I've downloaded those from Raven ones , I'll look but perhaps its the best

I got them new and fresh :)

Oh yea thanx for youre great tutorials psycoSith , (that l :blast5: ad has god-like stature)

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No, you should read the specific weighting section in complete jk2 guide. Only 9 bones are required to animate a face, of course everything has to line up with the bones or else it'll be a disaster ;).


Note that it's not required to weight the face for animation, so you can just use the cranium for the face/skull.

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