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Indigenous Affiliations?


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I won't bump this topic again, because I don't want to be a pest, but doesn't anyone know how to solve this issue? I am trying to make a mod where you play as the pirates in place of the rebels, and I need to change the rebel relationship to some of the indigenous troops like Ewoks and Bothans to help make it more accurate.

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There is of course the <Affiliation> tag in GroundIndigenous.xml.


However, it does not seem to do a lot. At least, not in GC mode.

As an experiment, I switched Jawa_Scout from Rebel to Empire and invaded Tatooine as the Empire. The Jawa's were still on the Rebels' side.


I then opened the map _LAND_PLANET_TATOOINE_02.TED in the editor, changed the owner of the Jawa vehicle from Rebellion to Empire and removed the modified GroundIndigenous.xml. Now the Jawa's were on my side, despite the Rebel affiliation in the XML.


So my guess is when you play a land map, indigenous units are affiliated with the faction that owns their spawn building.


So what use is the <Affiliation> tag you ask? I don't know, but if I had to guess I'd say it's there so the GC AI can determine what side indigenous units belong to without actually opening the map.

For example, in Planets.xml, for Tatooine, it says:

<Potential_Indigenous_Power>Jawa_Scout, 50</Potential_Indigenous_Power>
<Potential_Indigenous_Power>Desert_Civilian_A, 200</Potential_Indigenous_Power>
<Potential_Indigenous_Power>Rancor, 1000</Potential_Indigenous_Power>
<Potential_Indigenous_Power>Sand_Person_Sniper_A, 50</Potential_Indigenous_Power>

The AI can then look up those units' affiliations and properly calculate how much of a help (or nuisance) they're going to be. Which could influence the decision to invade or not.

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Hey, I now have one last problem before I can finish playtesting the campaign: Chewbacca can't hijack Rebel vehicles, and for this campaign it would help if he could. I tried making a captured clone, but it doesn't work. Is there some piece of code I am missing to allow him to hijack, say a T-2B?

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