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My New Mexico Trip

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I do think you sort of realize I was gone for a week and a half, if not, then I've really been slacking in my posts.


Where was I? In the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico! And crap, do I have a lot of pictures for you. However, I took pictures on my disposible camera, and despite the crappy quality they're more of us relaxing so I enjoy those pictures more. These pictures are still very good and actually have scenery shots in them, something I forgot to do.


Even if this was with the Civil Air Patrol, it was very relaxed compared to most of our other missions we do. We were barely in uniform and we were allowed to back talk almost 24/7 and we did.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


As I get more pictures from the staff, I'll upload more parts.

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I left comments on part 2 and 4. It looks like you enjoyed that trip. Even though I didn't see much of you in the pictures.

That's because I was elusive.


Actually, I didn't know we had a photographer. Thank you, I love comments, and I really love that trip.


I'll have more pictures once I leave again tommorow.


You'll see them on this site:




Once they're uploaded of course.

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