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Reducing the size of a .UTI file?


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I was recently using KT to modify a weapon to be fully upgradeable, and after veiwing the GFF file I did the following:


Label: UpgradeLevel Field - Type: byte Value: 0


I switched the value to 3 so the weapon had 3 open Ports. It worked on my Blaster Rifle so I decided to change one of my Blaster Pistols to 3 also.

But the .UTI file of the Blaster pistol INCREASED size from 4 KB, to 13 KB, I have no idea how it did that since the only thing I tweaked was the upgrade level.


Now the mod doesn't even work in game and I get errors when I try to load the file in the GFF editor all I get is,


Exception of type System.OutOfMemoryException was thrown.


I have no idea what to do! I really need to fix this!

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But the .UTI file of the Blaster pistol INCREASED size from 4 KB, to 13 KB, I have no idea how it did that since the only thing I tweaked was the upgrade level.


Now the mod doesn't even work in game and I get errors when I try to load the file in the GFF editor all I get is (memory error snipped)



Sounds to me like your UTI file has been corrupted. (Tech-babble: A loop in the GFF tree could cause those load errors). I doubt there is anything you can do to repair the file, you'll likely have to start over with a new copy, unfortunately.


Which GFF Editor are you using?


(The Upgrade field in KotorTool's item template editor isn't working, at least it wasn't last time I checked.)

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you could try the Robius GFF editor or the NWN GFF editor, I think there are links in one of the sticky's about mod tools


Or there is tk102's K-GFF program that was designed with the Kotor games in mind as it handles the camera angles field and a few other glitches because of the differences between NWN and Kotor. Tk's utilities can be found at http://www.starwarsknights.com

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While we have come to the conclusion that your file is corrupted, I thought I should inform you of something else: Do not worry if editing your files in KotOR Tool increases their size. KT includes a number of new fields in your GFF format file to tell the Tool how to operate. These fields are:


Label:  KTInfoVersion      Field -  Type:  CExoString    Value:  1.0.2210.16738
Label:  KTInfoDate         Field -  Type:  CExoString    Value:  25 July 2006 11:12:47
Label:  KTGameVerIndex     Field -  Type:  int           Value:  1


Fred has also been known to add handy tutorials for beginners in the "Comments" field, I believe an example is the waypoint file. This can increase file size quite visibly.

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