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new eyes

bacara nate

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can someone please make a mod where (A) you change the sith eyes so that theyr yellow and iff your REALLY evil your eyes go black (like darth trayas) and when your really good your eyes go white like kreia ( oh and maybe when your mid way between dark and light your eyes go blue like in the film underworld)

P.S ill try and get a picture for you guys

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It can be done, but it would be an enormous task to edit all of the files needed to do it, although it would not be hard, in and of itself, to change the textures.


If you want to try it yourself, get one of the image editing programs suggested in the general tools thread and extract an extreme DS trans (usually end in D2 or D, notD1) and a normal face with Kotor Tool. Then, open them up, find the eye part, add a layer, and white it out for the extreme good (then make the layer a little transluscent so some of the shadows remain--you might want to make a second later to totally white out the iris) and black it out for the extreme evil (same deal with layers, although there's more of a risk of ending up with black holes for eyes unless you add some shine to them). The extreme evil trans save with the same name; the extreme good add G1 or something to the end of the file (for example, if you changed Atton--the extrem DS Atton would be called p_AttnH1D2.tga, and an example very good texture would be p_AttnH1G1.tga.


Most of the PC's eyes go yellow on the second and (sometimes third) DS transition anyway, so unless they don't, you don't need to worry about them.


Then, edit heads.2da so that all the headtexvg have the new good TGA names in them (p_AttnH1G1 in the case of Atton). Just remember this would have to be done for around 110 textures in K2 and about 60 for K1 for two new textures each, and that is a LOT of work.


I'm not sure the games use headtexvg or not, so it would be good to test it on one PC first with an addlightside cheat to see what happens. It should work, though.


If anyone has the time and patience to make this mod, I salute them. It is possible though. For yourself, you might want to do it just for the PC you tend to use the most, and if the mod is for K2, for Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple, and Handmaiden (can't see Visas or Mandalore's eyes anyway, so no point.)

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