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Reply to charges of racism

Nancy Allen``

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Since Good Sir Knight refuses to discuss the topic on PM I'll raise it here. Here is the post I sent to him.


Since you are keeping on this topic I will happily address the charges you lay, rather that have you get yourself banned from your actions on the board. Now...


I'll say it here, since you are refusing to look through the posts for it yourself. The poll I ran was in regard to the stupidity of people thinking that way. Any comments I make against Israel or against the Jews are because of their present actions in Lebanon. In fact, scratch that, change it to Israel itself. I am a huge supporter of the Jews, the Israeli people were oppressed by Pharoh in Egypt and that was wrong. Kristallnacht, if you are familiar with it, was unquestionably wrong. The sickening medical experiments, execution squads and concentration and death camps the Jews were subjected to at the hands of the Nazis was by far the most heinous act against them. The Palestinion suicide bombings by Palestine is certainly wrong. The kidnapping of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah is wrong. To make claims that the Holocaust is a Jewish lie is wrong. The mockery of the Jews is wrong. And there are certainly other crimes you could level at the world for the plight of the Jews. You could even say what the Jews went through under Yahweh is wrong. To further prove my support of the Jews and Israel, here are a few select pieces from pro Israel cartoonists John Cox and Allen Forkum.


(images cut)


This was his reply.


I don't speak with intolerants, there are good and bad people from all walks of like and then there are people like you that disagree with that.


Poor little girl, Momma told you everything was black and white didn't she?


Everyone can see the truth, you sending this message served the purpose of making you feel better about something.


Think about what that something is and act on it.


Reject intolerance.


I was going to send this post below, but he refuses to accept any PMs.


In response to your specific charges of racism and censorship, I had already explained this. So had SkinWalker. The poll was to show your evil scum sucking Jewish haters how stupid it is to go on about the past percieved evils of the Jews. With that said, that does not mean they are not to be held accountable for their actions. Given how they feel when their civillians are attacked, and rightfully so, they should expect others to think exactly the same way when they commit the same acts. Exactly the same. If you don't like that simple fact of life TOUGH, you of all people should know the Jews believe in the Old Testement 'eye for an eye' so you cannot claim one rule when Palestine and Lebanon commits atrocities and another for when Israel do.


It seems to me that if this is the way he is going to act then he is either childish, a troll, or both. So then, I open the floor to the forum since this is still going on even after moderator intervention.

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I'm asking both parties to allow the matter to end. The Senate Chambers is not a forum that tolerates personal grudges nor does it allow personal insults to be used as a device of debate.


Good Knight also started a soapbox thread when he took umbrage to the moderation attempts I made. I locked that thread since serious discussion and debate wasn't the goal, rather it was a platform of public complaint about the moderation of the forum.


Likewise, this thread is a soapbox of public complaint and it seems prudent to lock it as well.


I was going to suggest that Nancy Allen take the matter to PM, but since Good Knight has apparently turned them off for members... should Good Knight wish to reply, he can do so via PM. Should he do so, I'm sure he'll be big enough to allow PMs again in order to allow for discussion between he and Nancy Allen so that the rest of us need not be pestered with their disagreement.

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