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Problem in Sith Base on Manaan *minor spoilers*


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This is really weird. I've played through KotOR like 4 or 5 times and I have never had this problem but I have it now with my latest character. I am in the Sith Base there and I am trying to get into the training room place. Its the square area with four little rooms in it and past that theres a dark Jedi and a Selkath to fight. The problem is that I cant get into that square "training annex" area. The door is locked.


Is there something I have done in every other game that I didnt do this time to get in that room or what, cause I am totally stumped. I know you dont need to go in there, but I want to, and I wont leave Manaan until I have done it.

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Yeah sorry about putting it in the wrong place. My brain clearly wasnt working temporarily.


Anyways thanks guys. I figured I had to trigger that missing selkath quest that involves the selkath in there, but it helps that someone said it was at the cantina.


Seems kinda odd that in all the times ive played ive never not done that.

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