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Hitman Blood Money

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What's fun is killing EVERYBODY, in a mission. I've gotten terrorist/psychopath rating for all the missions. That way, you are sure no witnesses are left behind.


Favorite level for me was "You Better Watch Out..." in the sex mansion.


As for the movie, I hope it isn't corny though I have a feeling it will be. But if it is, I'm going to watch it anyways.

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His name is actually Jason Statham and he had been coinsidered for the role some time ago. I don't know what happened with the project.

I always thought that Jason Statham was perfect for playing the Hitman after seeing The Transporter.


Lol, just spent an hour waiting for the Hitman: Blood Money demo to download and it comes up with an error message as soon as I try to play it.

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It's an old article, I know, but it gave me an ugly, chilling feeling. Eechh.




While the Hitman film is already locked down, Reuters is reporting that Diesel may be gunning for the game license as well. The trade said that Tigon Studios is preparing to hold talks with Eidos and Hitman's developer, Danish studio Io Interactive (Freedom Fighters), to have Diesel play 47 in a future Hitman game which would ship alongside the film.


No! Please, no!! If that happens I'm gonna go 47 on Eidos' and IOI's asses.

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Unfortunatly, Hitman has fallen in to the depths of games-I-intend-to-play-but-can't-play-because-i'm-playing-another-game hole. I intend to play it, I even own a copy, but the same day I got blood money, I also got Counterstrike, Urban Chaos, Morrowind, and Pariah. I'm sure its a good game, I played the demo that came with OXM and it was pretty sweet. I might fire it up after work tonight.

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Just compare:


David Bateson (voice of Agent 47 in all four games)


Vin Diesel (the pumped up jerk who thinks he's a good choice for the role of 47 in a Hitman movie)


Agent 47



My only problem with David Bateson is he looks like a cancer patient, and doesn't look very... "scary", yes I'd rather see him do it that Vin, but I still say Jason Statham would've been the best choice.

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actually, i think Vin Diesel has the potential to put out a great performance as 47. he's already played the role of a ruthless killer before in the form of Riddick. his performances as Riddick in the movie 'Pitch Black' and the video game 'The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay' were top notch. his performance in the movie 'The Chronicles of Riddick' wasn't quite as good, but that was largely due to poor writing than Vin.


my only problem is that Vin's voice is a bit too deep for the role. otherwise, he has the looks of 47 pretty close.


just my two pennies.

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Diesel has that ''I'm the main badass and no one better mess with me, or I'll *insert disgusting limb dismemberment line here*'' and as you said, his voice isn't a voice for 47. The character of Agent 47 is I suspect a lot different than Riddick - 47 is a killer that doesn't rush into a situation with a big gun and kills everyone he sees, he's cold and calculated, he's intelligent, he gets in, kills his target, gets out and nobody even knows he was there until he's long gone. I just don't think Diesel can successfully portray such a character.

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Diesel has that ''I'm the main badass and no one better mess with me, or I'll *insert disgusting limb dismemberment line here*'' and as you said, his voice isn't a voice for 47. The character of Agent 47 is I suspect a lot different than Riddick - 47 is a killer that doesn't rush into a situation with a big gun and kills everyone he sees, he's cold and calculated, he's intelligent, he gets in, kills his target, gets out and nobody even knows he was there until he's long gone. I just don't think Diesel can successfully portray such a character.
actually, the Riddick character isn't all that different from 47 aside from the fact that 47 kills for money rather than survival. Riddick is not a character that rushes into a situation. he's just as cold and calculating as 47.


otherwise, their personalities differ quite a bit from each other. Riddick is usually a bit dark and even witty to a certain extent. 47 is all business.


if you really want to understand the Riddick character better, you need to play the Chronicles of Riddick game that i mentioned earlier. it ranks as one of the best single player games that i've ever played. the style of gameplay is from a first person perspective, but there's so much more to it than gunplay. there's hand to hand/melee combat and a huge stealth element to it. the storyline is both interesting and entertaining at the same time, and you will get to understand the character of Riddick much better than the movies portray him.

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Jason Statham played a guy, in a movie, who was bald, wore a black suit and beat people up. So I guess I see how he is MUCH more fit to play 47, a thousand times better than any other random bald guy wearing a black suit...


If the Hitman movie "works" or not, depends less on who plays the main character and more on production values, scriptwriting and the capability of the director.





The Riddick game and the Hitman games have more in common than what it appears at first glance.

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If the Hitman movie "works" or not, depends less on who plays the main character and more on production values, scriptwriting and the capability of the director.

True, and if we go by current video game to movie experience, than it's not going to be good, and I forgot his name, but the director, I've heard, isn't very good.

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