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Jason Skywalker

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Since I already have it in a text-file...


{Gameplay Programmer: Cut-scene sequence of the player's trial with the Jedi Council members.}{[The camera will pan across the darkened area, showing each of the Jedi Council members, then it will turn toward the entrance to the room, to show the hologram of the player coming in.]}


Vrook: "Do you know why we have called you here?



1. I came because I chose to, not because you summoned me.

2. You have called me here to answer for my crimes on Malachor V.

3. Whaever your reasons, speak them, or let me go.


Kavar: "As Revan summoned you, so have you come full circle to return to the Jedi."


Zez-Kai Ell: "Why did you defy us? The Jedi are guardians of the peace and have been for centuries. This call to war undermines all that we have worked for.


Atris: "Is Revan your master now? Or is it the horror you wrought at Malachor that has caused you to see the truth at last?"



1. I realize that following Revan to war was in violation of the Jedi Code - and I broke it, knowingly defying the wishes of the council.

2. If you seek to punish me, get on with it.

3. The truth is the Mandalorians had to be stopped, or countless more would have died.

4. You were not at Malachor, and you will never understand.

5. The truth is that no jedi should turn from war - they should embrace it.

6. I'd slaughter every Mandalorian if I could - except Malachor did it for me.


Zez-Kai Ell: "You refuse to hear us. You have shut us out, and so have shut yourself to the galaxy.Know that there is no turning back from this judgment.It is good you recognize this. It means you will understand why you must leave us.We feel that your true understanding of what happened at Malachor V will only happen in time. And it cannot happen here, near the battlegrounds where you fought."


Lonna Vash: "You are exiled, and you are a Jedi no longer."


Vrook: "There is one last thing. Your lightsaber. Surrender it to us."


[The Exile now strikes his lightsaber into the center stone, then leaves.]


Kavar: "Much defiance in that one."


Zez-Kai Ell: "You were correct, Kavar. When he was here I felt it. It was as if he was not there, more like an echo. Revan's influence has grown, amongst the youngest of the Order - he speaks to their passions, not their sense."


Lonna Vash: "The war has touched the youngest of the Order. Many of them have lost themselves in battle against the Mandalorians.It is as I feared. And I fear that we have played into the hands of the enemy."


Atris {Grim, hates player secretly}: "We have not lost a Jedi this day. You felt it... he has lost himself. He is no Jedi - he walked Revan's path, but he was not strong enough."


Zez-Kai Ell: "I fear it is our teachings that may have led Revan to choose the path he did."


Atris: "We are not the ones who taught him."


Lonna Vash: "We take responsibility, Atris, not cast blame."


Zez-Kai Ell: "The choice of one was the choice of us all. Revan's teacher intended no harm. And Revan had many teachers since."


Atris: "Yet they all stem from the same source. Her teachings violated the Jedi Code and lead all who listen to the dark side, as they did the exile."


Lonna Vash: "You are wrong. The dark side is not what I sensed in the exile. Surely the rest of you felt it as well. That emptiness we felt... he has changed."


Atris: "Whatever that wound was, it was of the dark side. We should not have let him depart. He will simply join Revan again, or perhaps worse."


Zez-Kai Ell: "What would you have be done with him, Atris? Be mindful of your feelings. This is not Revan who stood before you. This one walks a different path."


Kavar: "No, although that may come in time. We let him go because we must. Where he travels, he carries his destination with him. We must let him go there. That is our only chance to know what has happened, and what the future holds."


Atris: "Malachor V should have been his grave. You saw it in his walk, and in the Force. It was as if he was already dead."


Zez-Kai Ell: "No, not death. Many battles remain for that one, if what we have seen is true. But the future is a shifting thing, and he cuts like a blade through it."


Lonna Vash: "We should have told him the truth. A Jedi deserves to know."


Vrook: "No good would have come from it, even if what you believed was true. There is still the matter of Revan, and such truths could leave us vulnerable on two fronts."


Kavar: "Perhaps in many years, we will call him before us and explain what happened to him and how he may be healed. Until then, he must accept his journey."


Lonna Vash: "But he may never discover the truth. And he will never know why we cast him out."


Kavar: "Then that is the future we must accept."




Honestly, if you need text from the game, it really is very easy to get at it. Just open your notepad, then open a file, go to the game directory for KotOR2 (or KotOR1, for that matter), switch to "all files", then select the dialog.tlk file (for either game). This will make all text in the entire game appear in your notepad shortly, since it's a huge file. Be aware, though, that the first bit may look like a mish-mash - the real text is some ways down. I find it helps to know a few words from the text you want to find, so you can do a search...

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