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Any Ideas...?

Jabba da Butt

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Hello everyone. I just joined SW galaxies and I cant wait to start. I finished downloading all the patches and other stuff. I even started the game and played through the first part on the Empirial Space Station. But the game keeps slowing way down and sometimes freezing. If it was just slightly slow I wouldn't mind, but I mean, it gets so slow and jerky that I cant even aim at the enemies I am trying to shoot.


My computer is a 2005 Hp Pavilion with a Pentium 4 processor. Other than that I can't tell you much because I'm not that good with all the techy computer stuff. I think that I need a new graphics card or something. Anyway, If you have any ideas on how I could maybe change the settings or what I need to upgrade on my computer to get this game to run correctly, please share.


One other problem. When I am playing the game, it keeps minimizing and this SOE updates thing keeps popping up and loading some random updates. Any way to get it to stop doing that? It's really annoying when it happens every 30 seconds.


Anyway, I don't want to have to spend money on this, but I will if I have to. So feel free to give me the expensive way to fix it.

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Okiedokie..do us a favor. I can help you more if you try out this. Download Belarc Adviser via http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html. Just let us know what it says under ram and graphics card. Your processor (despite the fact its pentium :p) should be plenty powerful to handle the game. I'm figuring since its ready made it likely isnt gonna have over 512mb of RAM in it and the card will probably be complete crap. Once you tell us what ya got, i can probably give ya a direction as to a decent enough card to handle it all.


As far as the SOE popup, i have never heard of it, it might be downloading the expansion stuff so that if you choose to buy it via Digital Download it will be already on there. I would let it just update and dont cancel it. If you do a Printscreen button and put a link to the pic in this thread maybe someone will know what it is.


Good luck, post back soon

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Urgh. NEVER buy Intels. Tip 1. They are on a crazed mission to destroy PC gaming as we know it with their crappy chipsets. In other words, unless the chipset can be removed, you need a new mother board then get a real graphics card like an Nvidia or ATi.



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*Is happy to have spent more money for a Radeon card on his laptop instead of an Intel GMA*


You could try closing background programs to improve performance if you don't want to get more memory (for any kind of reasons). I know that some of Intel's card use RAM as memory, so if you have such a card and only 512 RAM, then you're dead meat.

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well instead of taking DMUKs rather drastic approach i would open the side of your case and see if you have AGP slot for a video card. It will be a brown slot and will be off aligned with your white PCI slots. Should you have one you could probably get yourself a decent GeForce 6600 for a little over a hundred dollars. Also want to add at least another 512 to that RAM. with those your ocmputer should at least decently handle it all. If you do have the money..a new custom built PC would be a better avenue to persue. Good luck buddy

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