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Anyone know what PC head this is!?

Krimsyn Kane

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Thanks, yea, I sent him a message, but no response, thought I'd ask around instead. Appreciate the info guys. Also you said its a moddified version of somethnig KotOR 1? If I can't find this maybe I could make it? Any idea how?


If the head is ported from K1 then the discussion of how to do it cannot happen at Lucasforums. I do wish you luck on hearing from Messkell since ha hasn't been here in a while.

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It's one of the the Hispanic head option's


Messkell turned it into a Caucasian skin and possibly edited the some of the hair from the model.


You can see from the 4th Caucasian head option in K1...


...has the same layout in the 1st Hispanic head option in TSL.


This isn't the only time this happens between games where the models are very simular from both games and have the same skin layout.

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