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[Utility] SW:EAW Edit Tool


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I figured I would put my skills to use and perhaps get the gears started on a editor tool to help mod makers along. There are so many XML data files and they all can link in and out to each other so I imagine it could overwhelming to do mod editing.


But I'm new to mod stuff here so I figured I would just start the planets.xml. Obviously I'm not going to always have time to work on this project so I'll release the source code along with the first release of the tool. I'm also thinking of making a simple plugin framework and making the planets editor a plugin for that. This way others can easily make plugins for areas I've not touched.


I just spent an hour or two looking through the planets xml and started making some screen mockups.





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Been Done.


In Bug Fixing atm.


Should be out before Christmas with any luck...


Really that is spiffy if you are talking to me that is? I can't say I feel dumb as it's not out until Christmas. If it had been out for some time and I couldn't find it then yeah.


There are several good editors out now, but no one stop shop ones.

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