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Problem (Hidden Bek Base)


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I have a problem with the Hidden Bek Base, in one of the options it says that "I'm the assassin" or somethin like that..


Well, I clicked that, coz i thought like the medical center u can do "sorry, I was just making a bad joke."


Well, not the case, i went to the other base Varik or somethin like that and killed the dude and got the swoop accelorator, now I have no base to help with and i cant rescue the person, or if i can, please tell me how.


Thx in advance,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh, I did the same thing. Once you say that you are the assassin, you have to do it. Once you kill Gadon, the Black Vulkars will still sponsor you for the race, even if you steal the swoop-accelerator in between. The only thing is that you will get some ds points.

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