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Hud Discussion


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Okay guys, here is what i have got done in last few days now:




The healthtext and shieldtext is now adjusted a bit.

The pickup item icon is tweaked so that it is not overlapping anymore.


Hud Config Changes:

Health, Shield, Ammo/Saber, Force Bars all can have adjustable x,y, and width.

Health, Shield, Ammo/Saber, Force, and Score all can have adjustable x,y, scale.

Timer, FPS, Clock, Speed, MSB all can have adjustable color and scale.

Added Score Text.

Made Pickup Item Icon Position Adjustable (X/Y)

Cannot adjust X/Y of Timer,FPS, Clock, Speed, or MSB. Set the overall start y position of upperright now instead.

Removed overlay object.

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What are everyone's views on the bulky annoying bars for Jetpack Fuel, Cloak Fuel, and E-Web Health?


Use a smaller bar or maybe even just a text object showing how much is left out of 100 or the max?


Same with the siege timer, having the extra background takes away from screen space and the font is a little too big.

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The pb is that huds use txt extension. Yes you could have it so one could choose huds, many professional mods do this.


Isn't it possible to have multiple huds? I'm pretty sure there is a hudfiles command.


yes there is and it is not a command it is a Client CVar: cg_hudFiles. However this would not allow my hud to work. Also, the problem with using hud files is it does not give you customizability of every object, like the upperright stuff, or lagometer, or many other things for that matter.

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ensi: Tbh I'm not that fond of the minimal HUD because the bars are too small, and I take more time reading the bars in the middle of a battle


Hmm maybe we should start a HUD discussion thread, and see what everyone wants. This time maybe people should participate more actively. Let us know what you want and what you don't. Be specific about it

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