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How does a swoop bike get loaded into a race?


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Hey guy's I was just wondering how a swoop bike gets loaded into a race, because as far as I can see the swoop bike doesn't have any entries in the 2da files that I have looked at (including the appearence and placeable.2da's). So if you guy's could help me figure this one out I would really appreciate your help, thanks!:D


P.S.: Also I looked for a .utc file in one of the modules for the swoop bike and there wasn't one. So I just though I would let youy know about that and thanks again for the help.

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Hey guy's I was just wondering how a swoop bike gets loaded into a race, because as far as I can see the swoop bike doesn't have any entries in the 2da files that I have looked at (snip)

P.S.: Also I looked for a .utc file in one of the modules for the swoop bike and there wasn't one. So I just though I would let youy know about that and thanks again for the help.


Minigame modules are a bit different from normal modules. Mini-games are not handled using the normal game's mechanics with placeables and creatures; they are a separate sub-system within the game that is configued in the .ARE file of the minigame area. You will find a special MiniGame struct field within the .ARE file that configures pretty much everything that has to do with minigames, including models for the player and any enemies and such. (It's under "Static Area Info" in the RIM file in KotorTool.)


Take care to use K-GFF and not the Bioware GFF Editor, any of its derivates or any other GFF Editor made for NWN, since the ARE file of minigame areas contain the new Orientation and Vector field types that those older GFF Editors can't handle and will strip out, thus ruining the file.

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Hey Stoffe I can think of one older GFF editor for NWN that doesn't strip fields or nodes, that is NWNEditor. I use it frequently as it handles ERF and GFF file together. The only ERF it doesn't Like is RIM files. NWNEditor does what any proper editor should which is to parse through the file and show all of it's contents.

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