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The Predator PC

Draka Goth

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well is it possible, cause i've created the predator staff but I have a problem with wristblades.


keeps spinin them like a sword, cant make them fixed and usable with a lightsaber or other melee weapond.



and for the dreadlocks it doesent mind if they dont move.

but is it posible to create the fangs????


and the asimetric armour????

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Totally off topic but EnderWiggin...awesome name.

"The enemies gate is down."


Thanks.... have you read the rest of the series and then the Shadow series?


@topic.... AFAIK, which isn't much since I haven't been around in a while, this is possible, just really hard. You'll need an advanced head modeller, and someone who's good at skinning....



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Making wristblades could be done but is a lot of work. All you need is 2 armors: one regular and one with wristblades. After that you need some scripts to check if predator has any weapons in hands and if is in combat and to use desguise function (to change armor model) when is in hand to hand combat (no reason to have wristblades since you have a lightsaber) and increase damage. After combat ends model must be changed to initial one. As final touch, replace all h2h combat animations with one used by master flurish for 2 hands melee combat. Also I think is possible to make that thing like a disk and use for that only saber throw form as optional ranged attack on h2h combat.

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oldflash, I tried renaming it to overwrite short saber 02, with hopes of making the blade red insead of blue, but no luck, is there a way accomplishing this?


This question is off-topic for this thread please use the PM system to ask these kinds of questions to a specific person. Further off-topic posts will be deleted. Sorry. -RH

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