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Darth Maleval

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The link I gave you is to a tutorial telling you, in no minced words, HOW to add galaxy map planets. Whether or not you can read NCS, the link still works :p And this is the script you would need to mess with in order to recreate the galaxy map, so learning this is a must.

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and more specifically, the Project Manager that comes with it.


Scary program that project manager. When I can, I avoid it for simplicity. But still, it gets the job done, and is very well put together (and let's face it, I couldn't make anything better lol). DeNCS has always been seen by me as an unneccessary evil, as I either use source scripts or write my own (or have the lovely stoffe assist :D ).

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put as i said my pc will not read ncs files or compile them!!!

Then you will never be able to make a Planet Mod for these games. Scripting is an integral part of doing a mod like this.


Sounds to me like you are 'biting off more than you can chew', perhaps spend some time learning how to make smaller mods first, so you can pick up these skills before trying to jump in to one of the most difficult types of mods there are for these games. Trying to learn everything at once will lead only to frustration.


Just a suggestion. ;)

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Dude... that's really backwards. Module editing is so easy that a blind monkey could do it, but still, scripts are required to make it worthwhile. If you can't do scripts you won't get far.


People like stoffe (used for example as is best scripter I know) will help you make scripts and occasionally do them for you, but if you constantly ask they won't want to know.


The fact that you think that people will do it for you disgusts me. This is the last time I will post in this thread out of sheer dislike for the way you assume yourself to treat the community.


EDIT: Apologies to any mods reading this, but I imagine I convey the feelings of a large portion of the community here.


EDIT2 (In reply to post below): But it IS your fault that you won't LEARN to script.

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