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Talyc Runi Mandalorian guild (starsider) Recruitment Thread


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Im posting this on behalf of my guild.






Here is a link to our website Talyc Runi Website


Feel free to Sign up


TALYC RUNI (Bloodstained Soul) is a very serious, very strict RP Mandalorian Clan. RUNI focuses on the Mando'ade as a whole,

this includes the culture; this would be the language, history, habits, attitudes, how they acted, backgrounds and more. RUNI

will have a chain of command that will again be based off their culture. You should also know there are no true leaders, there

are those higher up but this is all based on respect. Every member of the clan has an opportunity to rise among the ranks.

Honor, Glory, Loyalty, these are keys to earn respect and earn your position within RUNI. At any given time the head of the council

can be voted out by a unanimous vote from the clan. We live for Honor, we die for Glory, We are loyal to are brothers and sisters.

We are very serious and selective on who will join us. We will only select quality over quantity. We are in no hurry to get huge

we wish to maintain a close relationship among all members.


People will be judged by what they do not by anything else. Your actions will have an outcome, you will be looked upon by

your acts. RUNI Will accept only Humans as true Mandalorians, If you are not of pure blood you will be adopted and taught

the culture of the Mando'ade. Exceptions will be made as to weather races outside Human will be accepted. The Mando'ade

live and breathe for honor. We respect our enemies as much as we respect our friends.






RUNI will have leaders, these leaders are the clan elders with the highest amount of respect and honor. The leaders are the

decision makers and the guides to those who are still young. At anytime the leadership can and will change, as you gain and

lose respect you will gain and lose your position in the Clan. The Council members are chosen by the Elders (leaders)

The Mando'ade take great pride in everything they do.


At anytime the Clan elders (leaders) can assign members of the clan special ranks and positions, these ranks and positions

be permanent or temporary. This is up to the elders and the council.




Joining RUNI will not be an easy task, as not everyone is worthy of joining the ranks of the Mandalorians. RUNI looks for

those who will die for there Vod, those who are willing to sacrifice if needed, those who will pledge loyalty to the ways

of the mando'ade. Each and every person who requests to join the RUNI Clan will be examined by the leaders and put to the

test, Only then will a person become a part of the clan.


Contact- Jason- or Victus to apply



The ACTS of the Mando'ade:

* Wearing Armor

* Speaking Mando'a (language)

* Defending yourself and the clan (Family)

* Raising their children as Mandalorians

* Contributing to the clan

* Aiding your fellow Mandalorians when needed




The Mandalorian Code is simple and is composed three facets of life: Strength, Honor, and Death.


Mandalorians are required to be strong at all times, signs or weakness invite disaster and any Mandalorian perceived as

weak by his fellows can be challenged to a death duel to prove their strength.


Honor is very important to the Mandalorian Clans. Fighting with honor is the only way to fight, should a Mandalorian Warrior

fight in a dishonorable fashion he would be slain by his clansmen for tarnishing the name of the clan with his actions.

It was considered to best to die fighting honorably than to survive though dishonorable means.


Death is a fact of life to the Mandalorians. Everyone dies, what matters to the Mandalorian Warrior is how a person dies.




Mandalorian: Our goal is Immersion, we want everyone to feel like they belong to something important. We want all members

to feel as if they are indeed part of the Mando'ade and its culture. You ARE Mandalorian!


Faction: RUNI will allow only Neutral or Rebel faction members. This is due to the fact that we are not currently in agreement

with the Empire. That and other situations which give us little respect to the Empire as a whole.



Mando'a Language: A main part of the RUNI RP will be the language of the Mandalorians, all members will be expected to learn

the language the best they can. Help will be provided.


Contribution: All members will be expected to contribute to the Clan. This includes but is not limited to earning credits.

You will do this by offering your services whatever they may be. Warrior, Bounty Hunter, Soldier, Crafter, etc....Of course

this is all done in an RP matter.




Soldiers/warriors (Combat class)

Workers (Crafters)

Citizens/owners (Entertainers)

Miners/fighters (Pilots)



If you think you have the drive, dedication, and the honor to become a pure Mandalorian, then your next step is to seek out

one of the leadership for a short discussion.



Vod Victus


And partially Jason- Nezumi for giving Victus material to work with

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  • 8 months later...

Is this enough Mando'a to Join?:

* Atiniir (ah-teen-EER) - to endure, to stick with, to tough it out

* Baatir (BAH-teer) - to care, to worry about

* Beten - to sigh

* Brokar - to beat (heartbeat, drumbeat)

* Cuyir - to be, to exist

* Dinuir (DEE-noo-eer) - to Give

* Duraanir - to look down upon, to hold in contempt, to despise

* Duumir - to allow

* Ganar -to have

* Hettir - to burn

* Hibirar - to learn

* Hukaatir (HOO-kaht-EER) - to protect, to cover, to shield

* Jorso’ran - shall bear (archaic)

* Jurir - to bear, to carry

* Jorhaa'ir - to speak

* Jurkadir - to mess with someone (lit: to brandish a saber)

* Kar'taylir - to know

* Liser - to be able to, can

* Motir - to stand

* Narir (nah-REER) - to act (carry out), to do

* Nartir (nah-ree-TEER) - to place, to put

* Nau'ur (also: sometimes seen as naur) (now-00R) - to light up

* Nau'ur kad - to forge a saber

* Nynir - to hit, to strike

* Parjir - to win, to be victorious

* Shabiir - to screw up

* Shukur - to break, to smash/tear apart, to crush

* Solus - each, individual, alone

* Susulur - to hear, to listen

* Takisir - to insult

* Trattok’o - fall, fail

* Udesiir - to relax, to rest, to be peaceful

* Verborir - to buy, to hire, to contract

* Vorer - to accept

*Hut'uunla (hoo-OON-lah) - cowardly

and Hero does not exist in Mando'a. I know some phrases too, I just didn't post them yet. I'll do it later. And yes, I found these words on wookieepedia. But I only wrote the words I know.

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