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State of the Mod - Legacy of War


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Well since no one has given any updates. I will. We are down to virtually no skinners. Due to that we have had to drop a few items from our list of items to be released. We are shooting for a 10/20 release. This will be the last EaW mod we do. Every mod after that will be FoC based. The Mod thats coming out will be a very nice mod guys. We have removed some items due to them being in FoC.Most of you know that. I dont have any updated shots. I leave that stuff to Elron and Fosh. I do think we owe it to you guys to share what we are doing. So we will share.

Ohh, some of you are asking now "What got dropped cause of FoC?" Well, we dropped the Juggernaught, IG-88, Bossk, IG-2000, Hounds Tooth.


Basicly the mod will be the same content as the first 2 releases plus big fixes for them AND we will be including a NEW yes BRAND new Galactic Conflict called "A Empire Divided". It will be 68 planets. The Planet New planets will be








Yaga Minor


Polis Massa








Ord Mantell

The Maw

Boz Pity


We have removed Korriban, Shola, Polus, Manaan and some others that dont fit our timeline.


Game Changes and Playability changes?

Heroes will be the same as the previous release however due to popular demand we will be including the Modly Crow for Kyle Katarn AND a special Z-95 for Mara Jade. We are also including Admiral Ozzel. The Deathstar will only be buildable in the Maw. ISD's will only be buildable at Kuat, Fondor, and Bilbringi. We will be implementing Turbo Laser towers in Space at key installations. Golan 1-3's will be buildable at Key Population or Strategic planets. Ord Mantell will produce high income for the Imps and Income AND scrap ships for the Rebels. Rebels will be able to buy V-Wings, Pirate Fighters, and other OLD cap ships. One of the ships will be a Seiners Systems Battle Ship (Sith War Era) these units will be CHEAP and powerful BUT no shields or virtually no health. Some Systems will be Pirate controlled. Tattooine, Nal Hutta just to name a few. No more handfuls of Pirate frigates defending them. The Corporate Sector planets Cadomai, Bonadan etc and the Hutt controlled systems will have VERY large armadas. VERY large. The fun part is. The Empire will start with more planets and more money. However to win. They HAVE to take all the planets including the pirate planets. The Rebels do not have to take the Pirate planets. We have added TONS of new props and models to the maps. Yes we do have a working Hover train. We have removed alot of crap content like the Tartan. We will have some other features as well.


Some items we are keeping for the next major release after FoC.


Units.. this is by no means a complete list guys and there are some some bonus units and easter egg units that we are not going to mention yet.



Assault Frigate Mk1

TIE Fighter (yes we re made it and its kick ass)

TIE Interceptor (re-done KICK ASS)

TIE Advanced (Again re made by us)

TIE Defender

Skipray Blastboat

MC-40 Frigate







Assault Gunboat

Assassin Class Corvette

Corellian Heavy Cruiser

Dungeon Ship

Quaser Fire Carrier

Escort Carrier


XR-85 Tank Droid


Taun-Taun Troops

Dewback Troops

Rebel Combat Speeder

Scout Snipers

Dark Troopers Phase1-3

Noghri Commandos


Golans 1-3


This not a complete list I may have left out a few items. Also like I said there will be some bonus units in the mod also.


Thanks for all the support guys.

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Last for EAW dude... the rest are for the XPack Forces of Corruption


Many of you already know that our other co-leader Elron will be leaving us. As of 10/31 Elron will no longer be on the team due to personal reasons. While technically he is still here till 10/31 his role will be reduced and he will take on less and pass on many items to other team members. Arkles left also (no one seemed to notice..personally I never even spoke with him or saw him speak but one time in 2 months). We lost another skinner Goodwood also. He has been bumping heads with the leadership lately over work or lack of work being turned in. As it stands this is the current staff working right now and going to continue to work on the next release(s).


FoshJedi - Mod Leader, PR Specialist, Coder Beta-Tester, Researcher, Forums-Admin.

z3r0x - Mod Co-Leader, Mapper, Coder, Programmer, Graphics, Server Admin.

Chooie - Modeler, Rigger, Skinner, Animater

Eldor - Modeler

Klarin - Coder, Rigger, Tester

Arti - Skinner

DarkZero - Skinner, Rigger


We are getting help on skinning the current release from the Dark Empire team right now. The mod we have is VERY large. We need all the help we can get at the moment. Our main goal is to get this release out to the public in a timely fashion and as bug free as possible. To do that required assistance. We have helped other mods in the past. Other mods have helped us in the past. In case some of you have not noticed the modding community for EaW is dying. There are many reasons however, one stands out the most, and that is "sourness". Yes, thats correct sourness.


Many a modder has left the community with a bad taste in his or her mouth. The reasons are many but mainly come from mod distrust. No one trusts anyone. The reason for this is simple, "GREED". Some people would rather make a name for themselves or think they are making a name for themselves by releasing as much content as possible. What this does is make other people NOT want to mod and projects that may have been working on something similar to give up. Now, I know some of you are reading this and saying "Well, I would'nt give up. I would strive to make something better than the other guy, etc, etc." Hey, thats fine and dandy. However, not everyone thinks that way. The massive influx of models caused a massive decline in the community also. Why? Again, the answer is simple. Items that people were working on or wanted to work on themselves now became available to all. This caused some mod teams to spring up that were anything but professional.


In the beginning the mod teams consisted of people that were of a professional mindset. Look, I'm not saying only certain people should be allowed to mod. What I am saying is if your going to mod or start a team make sure you know what your doing. My problem has always been if you cant offer something new to the game then why mod it? If your going to be putting in the same code and same ships over and over why mod? My father told me something years ago. "The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions". Think about that guys. Some people came to this community from C&C. Alot of those people were only using EaW as a "filler" till something better came along. Many of those people are already gone. There are many of you who are here because you love StarWars. Thats who is left at the moment. The Starwars lovers among us.


Thats why I came into the community as I love the Starwars universe. Screenshots of EaW excited me like no game had in a long time. I used to work in the game industry and left it behind years ago to pursue a different career path. I was never really into gaming or games. I still am not. However, the one thing I have always enjoyed was StarWars. Maybe its a bridge to my childhood as I am a child of the 70's and 80's. The point is, if you enjoy this game and you love the Starwars Universe the way that I do then you will help bring the community back to life. I will tell you that the only way you can do that is to bridge the gap.


What I mean is for mods to drop the "Coldwar" mentality. We have to learn to trust each other. We have to learn to be honest and to not be greedy and selfish. As a Co-Leader of LoW I have already done that by forging solid relationships with IA2 and Dark Empire. We are all "friends". Are we "sister" mods? No, we are not we each have our own plans and ideas, however I can go to those mods and they can come to us for help, assistance, models, code, skins etc, etc. Some dont agree with this. I say stop being selfish. Ask yourself what can you do for the community rather than yourself. Some of you are saying "Whoa, z3r0x like your one to talk about community". Your right, I'm guilty of selfishness, rudeness, and many other things. However, in my defense all I have done I did to protect my mod team OR right a wrong that was against others. So, Swbex I apologize for calling you a thief and to anyone else I was rude to you have my apologies. I'm a adult many times over and have not acted like a adult as of late.


Now, I do not like some in this community. When I say some I am referring to a handful of people. These people in my opinion will never work with others. These people have STOLEN models, code, or other items and not given credit. There is another handful of people who openly HATE starwars and refer to most of us as "geeks" and "nerds". Fine, I would rather hang with a bunch of "geeks" and "nerds" than anybody else. Regardless of anything this IS mainly a Starwars Community now. Thats the way it should be. Despite, peoples past trangressions I say lets forgive and forget and move on. I say ALL mods should work together. I say all mod leaders should have some sort of roundtable discussion or meeting. There should be a sharing of ideas. Not to steal but to better understand. Alliances can be forged maybe new friends also. Together we can re-build and breathe life back in to the community. We have already started, and we have done this with other teams. You can to.


Now to further my assistance to the community since I own MANY webservers and have access to 2 100mbit unmetered pipes, I will be willing to host for free any mod that can demonstrate the above mentioned willigness to HELP the community. Also, if you provide why your mod deserves free hosting I will give you guys 2gb of Storage and 300gb of transfer a month. Thats HUGE. Also.. for any mod that wished to pay I will only take $5.00 a month.. and you get 3gb if storage and UNLIMITED transfer. You will find a deal like that NO WHERE. I am wlling to negotiate on dedicated IP's, Teamspeaks, DNS hosting and IRCd hosting as well. I will also be releasing the PPP and Galactic editor I coded for LoW when we release our next mod here this week. Thanks for listening to my rant.


Now, onto Low. We are still shooting for Pre-FoC Release. Now, after that release is made. We are taking a vacation for a few days. After that we will be working on our Vong mod. Thats right we are jumping into the Vong Invasion. This is going to be a MASSIVE undertaking. We already have some concepts, models and other things done. However there is MUCH more to do. I'll be updaing you guys soon. Thanks for reading.

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Well since no one has given any updates. I will. We are down to virtually no skinners. Due to that we have had to drop a few items from our list of items to be released. We are shooting for a 10/20 release. This will be the last EaW mod we do. Every mod after that will be FoC based. The Mod thats coming out will be a very nice mod guys. We have removed some items due to them being in FoC.Most of you know that. I dont have any updated shots. I leave that stuff to Elron and Fosh. I do think we owe it to you guys to share what we are doing. So we will share.

Ohh, some of you are asking now "What got dropped cause of FoC?" Well, we dropped the Juggernaught, IG-88, Bossk, IG-2000, Hounds Tooth.


i'm just going by what this says

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