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stuck at party split


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Hi im new to this site (just registered). i bought KOTOR2 a few days ago and decided to sign up to the forum. anyways i have found myself stuck at the revisit to dxun. i didnt go the way most people go as i instead went to dantooine after onderon and missed out nar shadaa, so i cant seem to get past the battalion of sith lined up outside the tomb ive tried a load of different combinations of people, even T3 and still cant kill them without my whole party being killed can someone help please?

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Welcome to LucasForums, Phision! :wavey:


First, I recommend you review this section of GameBanshee.com's TSL walkthrough <link>


Basically it's not a good idea to charge up the ramp and enter the temple. The strategy I employ is to go into solo mode and send one of my party members up the ramp as bait. When some opponents start their way down to attack I then retreat to the base of the ramp where my other two party members are and all three then work to take out the Sith, droids, and/or boma. I repeat this process until my "bait" party member can reach the top of the ramp without being attacked.

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I use either Visas or the Handmaiden, Atton, and Mandalore. If you're playing DS and Hanharr is in your party then he works too.


Just bear in mind that you will need three fairly strong characters in your party to make it through the entire tomb. There is not just one combination of party members that works the best.

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Also, try to keep your party together and attacking the same enemies as much as possible. You can reprogram the turrets to attack the Sith via the console in the little encampment to the right of the entry into the open area from the cave. Best not to linger on the ramp itself, as grenades tend to come raining down on you.

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And then store the spikes in a container somewhere, and get T3 to make you even more...


thankyou for the kind welcome i will attempt to use this straegy. do you have an idea of which party members are best to use? Bao Shadur and Mandalore seem to be kreias favourite.

It all depends on how you leveled all of your characters, and whether you have good equipment for them or not...

I usually get Visas, Handmaiden/HK-47 and Bao-Dur.

Just take it easy, concentrate on the most dangerous enemies, Sith and Dark Jedi, use a power shield, preferably one that can stand both energy and melee damage, use stims! they're not just for show, they do help, especially with your other party members!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The part of the game was always ahrd for me for the xbox but for the pc with my custom items its a cake walk but wi9thotu mods or cheating its pretty hard you could od naythign nay one else said ro yo ucould sue cheats to get a good wepon and armoru to use and good luck hm i think il go try to paly the sith lords i havent bin able to get an ywere latly il go to paly it go threw one or two rooms on peragus then get bored and leave ill have to look for a mod to spice things up abit or just make a new set of custom items an yways good luck


Oh yah or you could download some cool mods of red hawk and others to make it easier and more fun

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