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[FIC]The unexpected Dark lord

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Here comes another chapter.



Chapter 6 - Something odd


Hey Revan, it's Rick. Me, Atton and Mission are caught up in something on Nar Shaddaa, and, uh, we won't be able to make it to your wedding so, uh, I just wish you good luck, and hope you get lucky.


It is the night before Bastila and Revan's wedding. Revan had gotten a message a few days ago from Rick sayingh he won't be there. Revan replied saying okay, but he kept replaying the message, something about it was odd, something mysterious, something dark. Revan could not put his finger on it. Revan went to bed wondering what it was, Bastila sensed that something was troubling Revan through their bond.

"Revan? What's wrong?" Asked Bastila in a worried tone.

"I don't know, something about Rick's message seems out of place."

"I'm sure it's nothing." Replied Bastila, kissing him on the cheek.

"You're probably right, lets just get to bed." They soon fell asleep.


Revan woke up early the next morning, it was seven o'clock, the weddings not for another four hours. Revan slipped on his robe and walked to the kitchen of the Jedi Temple where he makes the usual cup of Trandoshan coffee. Curiously, Carth was in there too.

"Hey there Mr. Lucky. Today's your big day." Said Carth, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"You don't seem to happy about that Carth. Jealous?" Asked Revan.

"No, i'm happy for you, it's just, I can't help thinking about my wife, I miss her."

"Carth, if you keep being sad abouit everything, you're going to push everyone away from you, making you even sadder." Revan took a sip of his coffee before continuing. "Just cheer up when my time comes." Revan finished his coffee and walked to the garden to do some meditating.


Revan had been meditating for two and a half hours, the wedding was soon and Revan didn't even notice it. Bastila came rushing into the garden.

"Revan, come on, you have to get ready for the wedding." Bastila went off to get changed. Revan stood up. "Guess I better enjoy my last few moments of being single." Revan muttered underneath his breath.

While Revan was walking to his changeroom, everyone he passed told him to hurry up. Revan finally came to the change room.

After a lengthy period of time, Revan walked out in a suit and tie, Revan didn't like the look, but he wore it nonetheless. He knew Bastila would get angry if he didn't wear it. Carth came running at him. "Come on Revan, our rides waiting." Revan followed Carth to a limousine speeder. They hopped in. Mical, Jolee and Canderous were already inside. "Ready to enjoy your last shot at being single?" Canderous asked.

"Lets go for it." Replied Revan. The chauffeur pulled out of the hangar and drove to the wedding center. Revan popped open a bottle of champaigne. "Careful Revan, don't get drunk." Said Jolee.

"I won't."

"And don't spill any." Said Mical.

"I won't." Replied Revan again.

They got to the wedding half an hour before it started.


Matgr had recently returned to Mustafar to tell Rick what had happened.

"Master, they got away."

Rick said nothing. He used the Force to pick Matgr up by the throat and throw him into a wall.

"You, will go back, find them and kill them. You will leave in three days, do not fail me again." Rick walked to his throan room, leaving Matgr to contemlate what he had just said.


Bastila walked down the red carpet of the center to the altar. Revan was waiting. The wedding had begun...

It had lasted almost two hours, it was tiring for Revan, who almost fell asleep. He got a cup of coffee before the after party began.

The two lovebirds had walked into the hall where the party was being held. Revan walked to his table where he made a speech.

"I would like to thank all of you for coming here, and sharing this special moment in life with me. I would also like to thank Carth, for being the best man, Rick, Atton and Mission, who, unfortunately could not be witgh us here today, everybody who helped and motivated me in my adventures, and, of course, my new wife Bastila Shan. LET THE PARTY BEGIN!"

Everyone cheered and began eating, chatting and drinking. There mst have been at least five hundred people there, probably more. The band was playing, everyone was enjoying themselves, everything was going great. Revan stood up to say something.

"A poem to Bastila if I may:


Winter is here

It is cold

There are no flowers

In the fields where they grow


But when Winter ends

It's Springs turn to come

The flowers rise

In the warm Spring sun


Flowers are lovely

Like that special someone

Who is proud and confident

But always fun


My dear Bastila

I love you

And you love me

I know you do


I'll never forget

The day we met

The first time I saw you

Under a Taris sunset


Later in life

Somewhere down the road

We had a kiss

And now you, I hold


When I was evil

You saved me

When you turned evil

I returned the favour to thee


When we met

Our love started to unfold

I know you see

The love we hold


So every night

When you go to sleep

Just know that i'll be next to you

Lying in a heap

Thank you."


Evryone cheered and went back to what theyu were doing before. "Nothing could spoil this night." Revan thought, but he was wrong.

Carth came to Revan's table. "Revan, we have a message from someone called Darth Arriadar. You might want to check it out. Carth led Revan to the message room, he left Revan alone. A blue image of a person came up. "Rick?" Revan asked.

"That is correct Revan, although from now on you shall know me as Darth Arriadar."

"Is this some kind of joke Rick?"

"No Revan, your weak Jedi Order shall come crashing down around you unless you give yourself up to the Darkside and become my apprentice. Join me now and Manaan won't get destroyed."

"You have got to be joking, I will never join the Darkside again!"

"Very well. Commander. Fire the laser." Darth Arriadar moved out of the way to show that he is on his ship. In front of him is Manaan.

"No." Said Revan. The laser fired. In an instant, Manaan was gone.

"You see Revan, there is nothing youi can do. Goodbye."

The transmission ended. Revan walked back to his table looking very pale.

"People, stop. I have some terrible news." An eerie silence came from the hall. Revan continued. "You all know Rick, the one who saved us and the Force from Darth Traya's plot, well, he's turned to the Darkside. He is now Darth Arriadar." Everybody started talking. They were all confused and stunned.

Amidst the confusion, Matgr came in through the wall, his eyes red and his lightsaber ignited. "You will not escape me this time Revan!" Everyone screamed and shuffled out the door. Revan lunged at him. He knocked Matgr to the ground. Revan used the Force to render him unconscious. Revan dragged Matgr to his ship. He saw the co-ordinates for Rick's ship in the galaxy map. He memorized them. He then put the ship on auto-pilot and made the co-ordinates unchangeable, so Matgr could not come back. Revan made the ship take off. Revan was now standing on the ground.

"This is not a good day for anyone."


That chapter didn't have much fighting in it, ah well.

I also have a few people to thank for names and such, they shall be credited in the credits when my fic is done.

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This chapter has been delayed a few days because I was sick and couldn't be bothered. Enjoy. :)



Chapter 7 - The beginning, of the end


Revan walked into the council chambers still looking very pale. He couldn't believe that Rick had turned to the Dark Side. Master Leesha started talking about there course of action, but Revan wasn't concrating, he didn't catch anything she just said. Revan was thinking about something, he thought back to when he was on Korriban, something in his mind just clicked. He shot up and ran straight to the Jedi Archives. Master Leesha and Master Derone followed him.

"Revan! Where are you going?" Yelled out Master Leesha. Revan didn't reply, he just kept running. He made a sharp left turn where he almost knocked over an apprentice. He soon made it to the Archives. Revan started searching for something, it was not until ten minutes afterwards that Revan had found what he was searching for. The little sun shaped object that the leader of the Sith on Korriban held up before it disappeared.

The Archives mentioned it as an object that would consume the spirit of the One, and turn him over to the Dark Side, allowing him to bring down the Republic and the whole Jedi order. It was clear to Revan that Rick is the One, the One to destroy the Jedi, and make way for a massive Sith empire not seen since the True Sith ruled.

"Revan," Started Master Derone, "What is it?"

"Rick is being consumed by this," Revan showed them the picture of the small object, known as the Sun sphere, or, the New Beginning. Revan continued, "Rick is the One who will bring the order crashing down, at least, according to this. We must stop hi..."

Before Revan could finish, Carth walked in the room with something urgent. Carth lead them to the meeting place where Bastila, Jolee, Admiral Dodonna and a few more Jedi and Republic officers, where sitting. They all took a seat. Admiral Dodonna stood up to make a speech first.

"It has come to our attention that Rick is the leader of a new Sith army, he now goes by the name of Darth Arriadar. He has already begun conquering small worlds in the Outer Rim, it will not be long until he will start conquering worlds closer to us, therefore, we need an army, a leader and a set defence around the Core Worlds. Revan, you will be that leader seeing as you are the most powerful and intelligent in the ways of war out of us. You shall have the entire Republic as your army, use them at your will, and use any Jedi you need. Any questions?" Asked Dodonna

"Yes," stated Revan, "It's not really a question, but I have an army that I used to defeat the True Sith, they are still in The Unknown Regions waiting for my orders, I shall use them to, if that is okay."

Dodonna nodded her head, "That will be fine," She said, "And, according to Canderous Ordo, the Mandalore had said that they will join us in this battle, for if we lose, then they're next. Youi are all dismissed."


Matgr's ship had just returned aboard Darth Arriadar's ship, The Annihilator.

"You have failed me once again." Said Darth Arriadar, "You are not worthy of the title 'Darth', you are not worthy to be my apprentice and you are not worthy to be a Sith."

"Please, my Lord, give me one more chance!" Pleaded Matgr.

"Sorry, you have had enough chances." Darth Arriadear said no more, and fried Matgr with Force lightning.

"Lock him away." Ordered Arriadar. His goons picked up Matgr and locked him to the holdng cells.


Atton and Mission were devising a plan to escape the Annihilator, when the perfect diversion campe up. Atton was a master at picking locks, and he had recently managed to break out of there one. A Sith trooper came around the corner.

"Hey, you, stop!" The Sith yelled. Atton and Mission stopped moving.

"Turn around!" Yelled the Sith. Atton turned around first. He had a smile on his face.

"What's so funny?" Asked the Sith.

"It's funny how someone with your calliber is doing a pathetic job like this." Said Atton, with a truckload of Force persuasion in his town.

"You should go tell your leader that we had escaped, tell him we're running towards the engine room. You might get a promotion." The Sith smiled, but said nothing. He turned around and ran to the bridge. As soon as he was gone, Mission and Atton ran in the opposite direction. They ran through a few corridors when they had found the ship they used to get to Kashyyyk, The Escalade, they got in it and punched in the co-ordinates for Coruscant, luckily the supplies they picked up earlier havn't been taken out yet. They opened the air lock and started flying home. Luckily, no-one saw them, so they weren't followed or attacked.


As they were heading back to Coruscant, they saw a fairly large fleet of ships heading in that direction too. Mission and Atton got to Coruscant first, where Revan was waiting.

"Thank goodness you're alive!" Said Revan. "Did you see my fleet of troops coming in? Pretty impressive huh?"

Atton asked what they were for.

"To destroy the Sith, we must end this before another Sith war breaks out. Come with me, you mut see the fleet land." They walked off to the hangars where the fleet would land. The main ship of the fleet landed first. The captain stepped out.

"Sir, he said, "Nar Shaddaa has been destroyed."

"Rick." Whispered Revan, "You will pay."


Hope you enjoyed it. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have decided to continue with this fic once again, and what better way to do it than with a new chapter. Enjoy. :)



Chapter 8 - Assuault on Nal Hutta


"My lord," Said one of Arriadar's henchmen, "Our fleet is on course for Nal Hutta, we shall be there in just over 3 hours."

"Good," Said Arriadar, "You are dismissed."


Admiral Dodonna was speaking to Revan, "Revan, we have recieved word that Darth Arriadar's fleet is attacking Nal Hutta, I am asking you to lead the defense for it and destroy Arriadar if at all possible."

"As you wish, I will leave right away."



Revan and his fleet had made it to Nal Hutta in just under an hour. He had left Capital ships in orbit to ambush Arriadar. His fleet was half an hour away. Revan used that time to establish defense around Nal Hutta. Canderous has even lent a group of Mandalorians to help with there defense. The hutts had also lent some of there henchmen, the first battle of the war was about to begin.


Arriadar's fleet came out of hyperspace, the space battle immediately engaged. The TIE-Fighters starting coming out of the Capital Ships like a massive tidal wave. The Sith transports secretly made there way to the surface of Nal Hutta where they were greeted by blaster fire from turrets, although barely any of the shots hit. Out of the transporters jumped many Sith officers and Dark Jedi, but the most terrifying was Darth Arriadar himself. He immediately imposed his dominance killing Republic officers with a mere thought. Revan put a stop to that.

"You don't know what you're doing Arriadar, turn back to the light." Said Revan.

"Never!" Arriadar ignited his lightsaber and attacked. Revan decided that it would be best to kill Arriadar's officer's to weaken them. He ran away from Arriadar and sliced down many Sith. Arriadar smirked and continued with his destruction.

Up in space the Capital ships had engaged in a vicious battle. TIE-Fighters and X-Wings had dogfights, but it seems they were evenly matched. If it wasn't for the Hutt's ships than niether side would've won, the Republic had gained the upper hand.

Arriadar had sensed that the balance of power had shifted, so he used the Force to help the Sith in the space battle. His mastery of Battle Meditation had helped him in this task as he had practiced it for a long time by himself. Once again, the Sith were in control.

Revan had decided that enough was enough. It was time to stop Arriadar. He chased him down like a rabbid dog chasing a truck full of bones. He found him and attacked with a ferocious side swing, it narrowly missed but he did a backflip and attempted to stab Arriadar in the back. Unfortunately for Revan, Arriadar had turned around in time to block his attack and counter with his own. Arriadar pushed Revan back with his assault, but Revan kept blocking until he felt something hard against his back. He was cornered to a wall.

"What happened to your arm Revan?" He asked mockingly, "Did Matgr maybe chop it off. HAHAHA." He went to deliver the killing blow, but Revan focused himself and pushed Arriadar away with the Force. The battle continued with Republic officers, Sith and Jedi all dying around them, but they were evenly matched, and no-one dared helping either of them out of fear.

The space battle was drawing to a close, with the Republic on the losing side, they managed to destroy a few key ships however.

A lone X-Wing was trying to make it onto a capital ship, he made it into the hangar where the TIE-Fighters were held. He hopped out and ran to the engine room. The ship seemed empty, with only a few people on guard. He put a bomb on the engine and ran back to his ship. Before he could make it a Sith appeared in front of him with a gun pointing at his face.

"End of the road Republic scum." He said. Before he could press the trigger, the Republic officer set off the bomb, exploding the ship and everyone in it.

Down on Nal Hutta, the Sith were losing reinforcements. Arriadar decided that if he couldn't defeat Revan, he'll make him join them. He knocked out Revan with the Force and pulled his troops back. They went into there transporter and flew into space were they landed on a capital ship.

"Set a course for Mustafar, and tell all ships to draw back." Said Arriadar, "And put Revan's body in a cage, i'll deal with him when he wakes up."

The Sith officer did as he was told.

All the other Capital ships followed in there wake, the Republic didn't follow as they already had enough casualties, Nal Hutta was saved, but Revan's gone...


Hope you enjoyed it and please reply.

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