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A new Handmaiden.

Lord Ritly

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No offence or anything, but Brianna looks like a lesbian with the short hair, & when she got into the fighting stance, her I brows covers her eyes looking like she had a unibrow. Believe me, Briana is one of my favorite characters in TSL, so I'm hoping one of you expert modders and skinners would like to do a new Brianna for me. These are the thing I would like:


1) The head to be like the PHFC06 head but with bright blue eyes, little bit bright red lips, white hair, but a little noticeable blonde look.


2) Her DS transition to be mild with the usuall Sith eyes, simular to the mod "Subtle DS transitions".


3) Her own clothes like Mira & Attons. Subtle but same look but without the hood. The same with the dark side changes.


4) As for her undeise, just change from black to white.


5) Change her name from Handmaiden to Brianna.


I sure hope all this is possible, I think its simple enoghf and worth trying, I hope you guys are intrested. :sonar1

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I totaly agree with you on this, and would also like to see this done. Besides, according to the story line Brianna is supposed to look different from her sisters but she realy doesn't.


Hope some one will do this for you. If not then you might be stuck with using KSE. But I would like to see a mod make the change a little more permanent.

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