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change features in game


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i was wondering if there could be a computer or something where a script occurs and you can either type or select the appearance code you want to change to


also if there is a way to have a mask for the different selectable heads


i know there is a galaxy of shapers out there but it causes problems with some of my other installed mods

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If there is a script function for that, which I'm not saying there is, because I don't know, and If someone got permission to use ChAiNz's scripts from the Hak Pad, I would think that would be quite an easy adjustment.


Find out about the script function and then maybe I could help.



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Script function change you appearance is something like this:

void main ()
object oToChange = OBJECT_SELF;
int nAppearance    = GetScriptParameter(1);
ChangeObjectAppearance(oToChange, nAppearance);

This should be placed in your dialog in Script #1 field.

Also, you have to put in P1 field of Script #1 row number from appearance.2da.

So, if you want to change your appearance to boy's one (just for example) you will have scriptname (the same name as your script has, no .ncs or .nss) in Script #1 field opf your dialog branch, and in P1 field (field belongs to Script#1) you will have to put 16

16 - is row number in appearance.2da


About how to change heads:

There is DuplicateHeadAppearance(); function.

To do it, you will have to put in P1 appearance number.

Here is the script:

void main ()
location lLoc = Location((Vector(0.0, 0.0, 500.0)), 0.0);
string sResRef = "TemplateResRef";
string sTag = "Tag";
object oToChange = OBJECT_SELF;
object oTarget = GetObjectByTag(sTag);
int nAppearance = GetScriptParameter(1);
CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, sResRef, lLoc);
ChangeObjectAppearance(oTarget, nAppearance);
DuplicateHeadAppearance(oToChange, oTarget);
DelayCommand(0.1, DestroyObject(oTarget));

Ok, this script will create a special object in unaccessable (even not viewable, 500 is such a big height that you will not see it even in cutscenes + it will self-destroy after 0.1 seconds :D) location. Then it will change it's appearance to the specified row number given by You. Then it'll copy head from created object to the script caller (I think it is player...). After 0.1 seconds it will destroy created object.

So, it is so easy. But note that TemplateResRef in the script should be replaced with the Template ResRef of the specific object (you may use any object for this, even the existing ones.). Tag should also be replaced with the Tag of the same object.

You may look in heads.2da for appearance row numbers, they are specified there :).

Waiting for nice work, EnderWiggin!!!

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Which game is this for? The Hak Pad (with Booster #2) already does this for K2 :)


Andargor made over 500+ disguises available to choose from.


You can also download his Holowan Cloakworks 1 or 2 depending on the game for appearance disguises. :D


Hmm, I forgot the Hak Pad b2 had the cloakworks implemented. :)


That's probably the best course of action, since it can do what you requested in an easy interface... that, and it's already finished.


Thanks ChAiNz.



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