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Computer help!!!(my name's not dave o.0)


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Hey RJM: Where'd you go? Did the prices scare you off?:xp:


If so, I'll try to put together something as cheap as I can and still remain as future-proof as possible.


I still recommend Intel C2D, but I think that the E6400 is probably the better deal for $35.00 more because it has an 8x multiplier as opposed to the E6300's 7x, but I'll stick with the E6300, because we're going cheap. You really can't go wrong with either one.


I still recommend Asus's P5B-E as it's the best MOBO for $150.00. The eVGA 680i SLI MOBO will run you $100.00 more, if you want to be able to eventually upgrade to 2 Nvidia cards. A comparably good Xfire MOBO would run about the same price ($250.00). A single card setup isn't a bad idea if you intend to get a top-line video card in the future. It would also give you the freedom to choose between Nvidia and ATI for your high-end graphics card, whereas if you get an SLI or Xfire MOBO now you would then be stuck with either SLI or Xfire. And yes, both SLI and Xfire MOBO's run just fine with 1 graphics card installed.


I'm going to recommend Crucial memory because it's on the MOBO's compatibilty list & has tight timings, Crucial is supposed to be good, and right now there is a $40.00 rebate through Zipzoomfly, making the final price for 2GB $240.00. It should allow for some pretty good overclocking. You're not going to want to skimp on memory or MOBO, because overclockability is where the real value is.


If you want to skimp on the video card, it's up to you, but keep in mind that when you want to upgrade to a DX10 card, you wont be able to resell this card on Ebay for much of anything, so you'll be throwing your money away. That being said, I would recommend the 7600gt, as the BFG (lifetime warranty) model is available at Newegg for $114.00.


BFG also makes a great PSU for single graphics card setups that has 650W, dual 20-amp 12V rails, and a lifetime warranty for $110.00. A BFG 800W PSU with 4 20amp 12V rails capable of running 2 high-end graphics cards in either SLI or Xfire will run you 80 bucks more, bringing the grand total for SLI or Xfire upgradeability (SLI or Xfire MOBO + better PSU) to $180.00 more than a single card setup.


As I said before, go cheap and get a 7200rpm HDD for now. Raptors are just too damned expensive. You can always add one later, and still use the slower drive for storage, like Mav is doing. You can get a Western Digital 250GB 7200rpm drive for $75.00. A 150GB Raptor is $225.00!


I don't know too much about different optical drive brands, so you'll have to ask someone else, but I do know that you can have both a DVD burner and a DVD ROM drive (it's best to have both for convenience) for $50.00.


A good case is expensive, but you'll only have to buy it once. Get a big one for good expandability and airflow. Astro's recommendation is right along the lines of something that I would get. At $130.00, it's pricey, but it's HUGE, with the ultimate expandability and airflow. I'd buy it. :)


You mentioned a sound card, but the MOBO's I mentioned come with decent onboard sound (as most do), so you shouldn't need a sound card unless you're an audiophile.


I assume that you'll be using your old monitor, keyboard and mouse, since you didn't mention anything about them.


Here's how it's going to add up:

CPU: $181.50

MOBO: $151.00

2 GB RAM: $240.00

Cheap Video Card: $114.00

PSU: $110.00

250GB HDD: $75.00

Both Optical Drives (take your pick of brand): $50.00

Astro's Recommendation for a case: $130.00-You could probably find a decent case for <$100.00, but I just really like this one. :D


TOTAL: $1051.50 -Not too bad, and with all high-quality components! ;)


Aside from the cheap-assed video card, this setup will be fast as hell once it's overclocked, and you'll be sitting pretty when you decide to invest in the DX10 card of your choice.


Remember that SLI or Xfire upgradeability will cost you $180.00 extra for an SLI or Xfire MOBO and a more powerful PSU.


An 8800GTS would cost you $316.00 extra if you bought it right now (it's something to consider, man!)


I didn't factor in shipping costs, because Newegg may offer a discount for multiple components, and Zipzoomfly's shipping is free.


I hate to say it, but expect to spend around $1000.00 if you want anything worth buying right now. Keep in mind that prices are fluctuating constantly, and rebates are being offered on different components all of the time. If you're patient and diligent, these rebates can end up saving you a lot of green.


I hope this helps!


@tk102: Thanks for the kind word!

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