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Who make HK-50s?


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Since the HK-50 Military Base is cut content, it may be figured out in the TSL Restoration Mod, but since I can't download it (due to me having an xbox), please solve this question...


HK-47 wants to know who stole the blueprints of him, using his sematics to create the new HK-50s. My suspcion was Goto, the criminal mastermind. But when I talked to him, Goto said that while he hired the HK-50s to hunt the Jedi, he did not actually built them.


In fact, he referred to them as indepedent bounty hunters, who was proberly programmed to hunt Jedi upon creation. Not only that, but these droids seem to plant themselves as transalator droids, and therefore sabatoge relations, causing warfare and mayhem. Goto does nothing, and does not alert the Republic, as by monitring where the HK-50s are, he can predict future events, and then find ways to deal with them.


So, if so...I want to know. Who "built" the HK-50 models? Why? And how come they act so indepedent and haughty? I wonder if Revan has something to do with this, but I don't know for certain.


On an somewhat related note, who are the HK-51s? Who built them? For what reason? And why they defected to HK-47?

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The answer, such as I can determine it to be, will shock you, I think. The following is from the dialog.tlk, and is apparently cut content. I know Kreia says it, however, because you can hear it, if you have the pc version - it's audio-file 262KREATRIS047. Kreia is talking about the devastation of Telos (by Saul Karath), but reveals a few interesting tidbits. And boy is Carth going to be angry, if he ever finds out! ;)


Kreia: "It was always intended for the Jedi to retreat to Telos should Dantooine be attacked - taking all their lore with them. We could not allow the tragedy at Ossus to happen again.Such an act marked Telos for destruction. It is why the Sith came here, though the fleet commanders did not know why.It is why Revan ordered its destruction to mark the beginning of the Jedi Civil War. It was a message that there would be no place for the Jedi to retreat, to hide. I would not be surprised if Revan left other gifts beneath the surface of the planet - much can be buried beneath graveyards that will never be found."


It always seemed clear to me that the "other gifts beneath the surface" that Kreia refers to here is the HK production facility. And it would make sense too, given who build HK-47 originall. Your answer would appear to be: Revan.

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The answer, such as I can determine it to be, will shock you, I think.


Nope. As I said, I suspected Revan is the maker of the HK-50s, possibly as a stablizing force. Maybe as a private army. Just wanted confirmation. Was shocked that the confirmation came from Kreia and was a bit...erm...cyrptic. As usual.


Wow. If that's true then Carth will we be one angry little man.


I'm thinking of the rage HK-47 is going to feel if this turns out to be true. To think, his own master...betrayed him by making these carbon copies.

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I'm thinking of the rage HK-47 is going to feel if this turns out to be true. To think, his own master...betrayed him by making these carbon copies.




Maybe we have the real reason Revan went to the Unknown Regions there. He remembered something? I'd say he did. True Sith indeed... I knew something wasn't right there :lol:


On an somewhat related note, who are the HK-51s? Who built them? For what reason? And why they defected to HK-47?


This bit is far more vague, and I really don't know. However, I do recall discussions that the HK factory bit, which seems to an HK-47 solo mission, ends a bit mysteriously. The HK-51 units, IIRC, are the next evolutionary step in HK-units. According to Wookieepedia, GOTO ordered their creation. I suspect they might be the HK-50 units with GOTO renowned "improvements", especially since the major physical difference between HK-50 and HK-51 seems to be the color of the photoreceptors. Besides, I think it would make sense that GOTO would do this, given how he can influence droids with his own unique programming.




IIRC, the way the HK-factory mission ended was to be left vague, with HK-47 either reprogramming the HK-51 units or else being reprogrammed himself, only you don't find out which happened until you reached Malachor V and played the DS or LS ending. But that's all from vague memory and speculation.

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Goto, actually. In cut dialogues not in the cut modules, they mention they had a master who activated them to capture, and when not able to, kill Jedi. Their numbers would be increased for this. Some other cut dialogue on Malachor implies that Goto had control over them.


For the HK-51s? Maybe. But for the HK-50s, Goto said he did not make them, at least to the player. He said he hired them, but did not make them. Could he be lying? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.


If Goto makes the HK-50s, I want to know where he got the plans to make them.

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Could he be lying?


Probably. He's tried deception before, such as the triggered commands and betrayal of the Remote.


If Goto makes the HK-50s, I want to know where he got the plans to make them.


The dialogue says Revan made them, and wanted to scatter them throughout the Republic fleet to assassinate people who weren't loyal to him. But for some reason they were abandoned, deactivated, and later rediscovered by Goto. They already had a factory there, no doubt due to Revan. They even say there was another one hidden underground on Taris... Perhaps the Promised Land? Rukil mentions droid servants (a deception?), but this is just speculation.


They make themselves, actually. They just answer to Goto.

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