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Dr. Ond

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Can anyone help me get a MIDI file of the music featured when you're ashore in Puerto Pollo buying cannon upgrades from Kenny? The tune with the snare drum and the flute (amongst others)? I've tried all of my usual "find-stuff" places, but nothing has turned up.

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As far as I know the sound in CMI was mostly MIDI that was recorded with some nice samples, and encoded to a 'pure' audio format. There were definately some real instruments in there as well though.


Anyway due to the fact that it was recorded to, essentially, MP3 means that it's impossible to backwards engineer the tracks and extract the base MIDI from anything you'll find using Scumm Rev.


That said, some people have definately made some MIDIs from the game - let me just have a quick look around...


Yes, there are some here (scroll down) on IMuse Island. Not the exact one you were looking for though, sorry :/


Update: it just occurred to me that you might just want the music and not just a MIDI? If so, it's here.

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