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Ummm, I only know how to get all of the movies from TSL, since it tells you how many movies out of how many movies you've unlocked so far.


I think there are a total of 62 in that game, and I've got 'em all.

Here are some movies that took me a few files to find out about:


Kreia's Fall (get a lot of influence with Kreia and ask her if she's a Jedi or Sith)


In general, be light side, dark side, female, and male to unlock new movies.

(like helping Azkul on Dantooine is a different movie from helping the Administrator)


Try to advanced bonus missions on all of the planets to unlock knew movies, such as getting fuel from the Hutt in Nar Shaddaa for Citedel Station. And other stuff like that.


And if you're refering to KotOR I, sorry, you're screwed with this information. ;)

Hope this helps.


Edit: Then again, I play KotOR on the X-Box, so there might be some of a difference.

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