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Hero question

Cold Kill3r

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I bought the game 2 days ago...and my question is that when I play as an Hero, any hero, his life keep decreasing. Does any knows how to make it increase again? Like, I was playing with Darth Vader yesterday and killed many people then it increased a little. Is that the solution?


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well true there Carlo but not really. Your hero can die in seconds you spawn

if you get spawn killed :).

The hp loss starts slowly but picks up later as time passes by.

So only way to counter that if your a hero is get kills.

IDK how long yo ucan last with a hero though.

So anyone out there how long minutes wise have how long haveyou been a hero?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I think the easiest way to keep your hero alive is to pick a place on the map thats small and incolsed,but is widley used as a passage way for your ememy's troops. Then take them all in at thye same time. Like polis masa its the best because you can wait in the halls, and when they come just let lose on them :blast5: Thats the way to do it. :twogun:

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